Ali Al-Baghi, the loop turns – in fact – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, the lawyer

The beautiful story of waiting, waiting and patience…

The waves of rebellion towards Sennar have failed…

Stability, certainty of victory and true promise are revealed…

And the words of the bullet regarding the treacherous attack…

The shoulder is on the shoulder and the hoof is in the hoof tracks…

Fever, firmness and flight of the rebels…

Martyrdom is the goal of every person with great wealth…

The homeland is surrounded by conspiracies and betrayals…

Vile bastards and mercenaries from the diaspora are fighting him…

And whoever hides behind them and lies until he gets drunk…

Internal hands surrounded by suspicions of employment…

Sinar created the scene, painted the mole from a height.

I taught firmness in the mountain, I moved forward and I did not stay…

I washed away the filth of abominations, the impurities and the filth

The letters are written with the precious blood of martyrs…

This is the meaning of redemption, courage and standing…

Tears reigned in the walks, as you condemn, you will be condemned…

Condolences in Al-Halk Al-Bishi village are a reality…

How many people have been killed, driven out and displaced by his own hands…

They hunted him down with the fallen leaders of the rebellion…

An interview with joy in the eyes following the destruction…

A plea for him to go to the lowest level of Hell…

With the stupidity of displacement, destruction, massacre, pillage…

It is a healing for the hearts of a believing people.

Revenge against Al-Bishi and Kikel is a legitimate goal…

Against all those who identify, cooperate and participate…

Cutting off several snake heads is a necessity…

This is an option that represents the wishes of those who have been hurt…

War is rounds and rounds, many battles…

Patience and death in the question of God is life…

Our heroes came unharmed and unwounded as martyrs…

They are dead and some are waiting, they have not changed…

They took up arms for the cause with conviction…

It will not fall as long as the palm of supplication is raised…

The homeland will remain, it will not be terrorized by the mercenaries of the diaspora…

They will not deliver it to the undecided, the bloody and the bastards…

His banner will not fall and his purpose will not be dispelled…

His place is to look at moments of joy and pain…

The story we told confirms that the army is still…

Rebellion is a fleeting and inevitably changing symptom…

There is no alternative to the army, otherwise it is nonsense and madness…

Without Him there is no safety or security, and without Him there is no way…

Haoum said: Read his two books with his right hand…

The story told of the rebirth of jihad…

It will be written later in letters of light…

Attack on rebel group in Sinnar Bakhour

Al-Majaj / to the resurrected / Al-Nuraniyah / in the manner of the Arabs…

Some rubble of death and body parts…

The intelligent general leads the battles, looking at the vast horizon…

Something is happening there, the driver is still…

Each stem will be watered with what it was watered with…

What is a sure victory with Almighty God?

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