To confront the monsters of the markets.. the authorities concerned must intervene with force – On Low Fire – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

⭕ Introduction: This is a tip to the local community, charity markets are the solution.

⭕In light of the rising prices of essential goods, which have become a huge burden on citizens, there is an urgent need for innovative solutions that help alleviate this burden.

⭕ Charity markets represent an oasis of hope for many people who find refuge there to cope with the high cost of living, especially in localities suffering the effects of wars and crises.

⭕ Charity markets play an important role in family stability by providing necessary goods at reasonable prices, which limits the exploitation of crisis traders who seek to make huge profits at the expense of people's basic needs.

⭕ High prices threaten the existence of vulnerable and displaced families whose livelihoods depend on basic commodities such as sugar, milk and flour.

⭕ The high costs of these goods lead to a deterioration in the living conditions of many families, thus highlighting the urgency of finding radical solutions.

⭕ The market vultures have killed citizens, and people have become distressed and distressed, and everyone is waiting for the course to be corrected. We hope that this will result in a decision that will support the psychological safety and livelihoods of these people.

⭕ Between brokers, tenants and dealers in crisis, people are living under siege and under great pressure, and here is the responsibility, Mr. Manager.

⭕Mobile markets are a wonderful initiative that aims to bring basic commodities to people in their area without having to travel long distances.

⭕ These markets have the ability to adapt to different circumstances and provide goods at reasonable prices, which distinguishes them in achieving the purpose of their creation.

⭕ Providing basic commodities at fair prices reduces exploitation by traders in crisis.

⭕ Allows citizens to access the necessities of life without having to submit to the greed of the market.

⭕ Promote the principle of social solidarity by supporting local communities

The weak.

⭕To ensure the effectiveness of charity markets, responsible authorities should focus on proper planning and choosing suitable locations to facilitate access to them for people.

⭕ It must also work to secure sufficient funding and ensure continued support from donors and charities to ensure the sustainability of this initiative.

⭕ A number of regions have seen remarkable success in implementing the charity markets project, as it has helped reduce poverty and improve food security among the population.

⭕ By studying these examples, other localities can learn how to effectively implement these initiatives to achieve their desired goals.

⭕ Creating and activating charity markets can be a practical and effective solution to address the high cost of necessary goods and protect citizens from the greed of traders.

⭕ Through the combined efforts of government, charitable and civil society institutions, sustainable food security can be achieved and the stability of local communities can be supported in the face of economic challenges.

⭕We also call on the security committee to intervene forcefully and impose control over markets and traders in crisis, set a value for the prices of basic food products and be strict with those who violate the decisions.

⚪Letters on Fire⚪

🟢 A window of revelation

In the dead of night, dreams fade away.

Little by little, the memory of the house fades.

The earth beneath the feet, a field of wandering,

The soul seeks a safe haven.

In the breasts carry the story of separation,

Forced displacements, broken dreams,

There are stories in the eyes that have yet to be told.

In the heart there is nostalgia, like a flowing river,

For a land that welcomed the first errors,

The faces that were, remain in memory,

Like an ancient song, the soul repeats it in silence.

Every day is a fight to survive,

Between the tents, stories of pain intertwine,

In search of a hopeful tomorrow,

Life goes on, between hope and despair.

Every story has an end, but the soul still dreams,

In the children's eyes, a spark of renewed hope,

Faith in a better future is their weapon in life.

They face all difficulties with a courageous heart.

The world reaches out in times of crisis,

Solidarity eases the burden of pain,

Gives hope for a sun that shines again,

He emphasizes that humanity is renewed in solidarity.

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