National TV interviews Dr. Mohamed Morsi, director of the primary school in the locality of Shendi

✨He spoke about his experience and role in the mission of chief observer and supervisor of the certification exam in the Arab Republic of Egypt, city of Alexandria.

🟠 The poplar scenes were interesting and the dialogue was led by the young broadcaster Abdel Wahab Abdel Moneim and he was able to express it with great ability and culture.

✨And throughout this space we present excerpts from it..

⭕Shendi City's Experience in Developing Basic Examinations. A Meeting with Dr. Muhammad Musa.

⭕ The experience of implementing basic examinations in Shendi State is considered one of the pioneering experiences in the field of education, as the experience of this state has played a central role in developing new features for the education system, not only at the level of Sudan. but also in some foreign countries.

⭕ In this context, we had this meeting with Dr. Muhammad Musa, Director of the Foundation Stage in the locality of Shendi, to explore the different aspects of this unique experience.

⭕Poor local review experience?

⭕ Dr. Muhammad Musa begins his speech by noting that the experience of Shindi locality in preparing for basic exams has constituted a qualitative change in this field. He emphasizes that the work carried out during this experience was based on strict scientific and practical foundations, which contributed to achieving exceptional results in terms of achievement levels and familiarity with academic subjects.

⭕International experiences, especially in the Republic of Egypt?

⭕In addition to the achievements at the local level, Dr. Moussa shares the state's experiences with some foreign countries, including the Arab Republic of Egypt.

⭕ He explains how this experience created a common ground for the exchange of experiences and knowledge in the field of examination organization, and how it had a positive impact on the level of examinations in these countries.

🟠 The number of students seated and the degree of acceptance by families?

⭕ Dr. Musa emphasizes the importance of interaction and acceptance by families for this type of examination, noting that the number of students participating in the examinations is experiencing continuous growth every year, which reflects the confidence of families in the education system and the assessment that results from it.

⭕ How to prepare and organize exams?

⭕The process of preparing and organizing exams requires considerable and meticulous efforts, which Dr. Musa explains in detail. From finding appropriate materials and references to training teachers and ensuring students are well prepared, every step is carefully carried out to ensure a high level of quality and efficiency in assessing students' skills and knowledge.

⭕ When will the results and correction procedures be announced?

⭕Finally, Dr. Musa reveals the details related to the process of marking the exams and announcing the results. This part of the work is organized in a way that ensures transparency and accuracy, with specific deadlines in mind to ensure that the results are provided in a timely manner to all participants.

⭕ With these words, Dr. Muhammad Musa concludes his speech, highlighting the important role played by the local experience of Shendi in developing an effective and renewed approach to the preparation of basic examinations, in a way that serves the educational process and contributes to raising the level of students academically and practically.

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