Monopoly of necessary goods and high prices ✍️ Absher Shajarabi

Scarcity, high prices, high prices are depressing words to which the citizen has woken up and fallen asleep despite the availability of many goods. Will we carry them with us throughout the year?

*Adult corruption or children's greed!?*

Here we strongly emphasize the falsification by adults and market brokers of citizens' livelihoods, as well as the weakness of supervision by the relevant state agencies. Economists have confirmed that the cause of recurring food crises is poverty. sound economic planning. The conflict in price, profitability and the lack of uniformity of prices are not hidden from anyone.

The state must increase production and prices for sale and profit, and demand the exemption of goods necessary and important for the ordinary citizen from customs duties, taxes or fees, and prevent their duplication, even for a short period.

It is also necessary to conduct a thorough scientific study, find radical and not superficial solutions, and break the monopoly of distributor traders so that they do not manipulate the goods by drying up the market, as sometimes happens, to drive up prices.



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