During the press conference held by the Ministry of Culture and Information on the current humanitarian situation in the country, the Federal Minister of Health designated: Providing health services to every Sudanese citizen without screening.

Minister of Health: The medicines were delivered by air to Darfur states… and by land to South Kordofan.

Minister of Health: Arrangements are underway to deliver 100 tonnes to Blue Nile region and White Nile State.

Dr. Haitham: $17 million to address fall emergency, with support from the Ministry of Finance.

Minister of Health: Some organizations have tried to introduce drugs without the government's knowledge and have sought to create a parallel health system.

Port Sudan: Muhammad Mustafa

Federal Minister of Health Dr. Haitham Mohamed Ibrahim said that providing health services to every Sudanese citizen is the responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Health, without any sorting, noting that 50 percent of Sudan's area suffers from problems in accessing humanitarian aid due to security aspects and obstruction of access routes by the Rapid Support Forces, led by Dafur, Kordofan, Gezira, Sennar, Blue Nile and White Nile states.

The minister stressed that his ministry had taken many decisions to support the armed forces in the Karama battle and work hand in hand until victory, noting that a reserve of medicines had been allocated to the armed forces. The directors of general health of the states had been instructed to treat the wounded of the Karama battle free of charge.

The minister explained that there were preparations to deal with the fall emergency with funding from the federal Ministry of Finance at an estimated cost of $17 million, noting that the ministry was able, with the help of international organizations, to provide vaccination serums to children and vaccinate them, and the expanded vaccination program was honored by the World Health Organization.

The Minister of Health called on the organizations to go through the competent authorities and not to create a parallel system that could cause damage, stressing that the aid provided does not exceed 20% of the country's health needs, thanking the Federal Ministry of Finance for making health a priority. priority.

During the press conference held by the Ministry of Culture and Information through the tribune of the official spokesperson on the current humanitarian situation in the country, in the lobby of the Coral Hotel in Port Sudan, he stressed the importance of the arrival of aid through official agencies, and the need for coordination and joint work within the government, to provide services that fall under the control of Rapid Support, revealing the registration of 33 thousand infections and the number of deaths reaching three thousand,

He added that health facilities located in safe areas controlled by the armed forces are operating at 100 percent.

The Minister highlighted some of the challenges facing service delivery, explaining some of the achievements of his ministry and the capacity to deal with epidemics (cholera, dengue) in a number of Sudanese states, revealing that no epidemic cases have been recorded in the past two months.

The minister revealed that 120 hospitals were out of service due to the Rapid Support attacks, in addition to the loss of specialized services (oncology, kidney transplantation), thanking the medical personnel working in the health sector in Sudan, saying that my hats off to them, stressing that his ministry uses all methods of the civil community, civil administration and organizations to provide this assistance to all citizens.

In this regard, he said that some organizations were trying to introduce medicines without the knowledge of the government and that they were seeking to create a parallel health system that would do more harm than good, stressing that the government had approached the United Nations and Geneva to reject any project of a parallel health system.

The minister said that the consequences of the violations of the rapid support militias in the health sector were significant, explaining that hospitals were used as military housing and that the targeting of medical personnel was significant and that 55 medical personnel had been killed.

He said that his ministry was working to stabilize the pharmaceutical service and that the country's health institutions number 7,674 active institutions, 65% of which are operational.

The minister discussed his ministry's efforts to achieve pharmaceutical abundance, which has now reached 60%, and that the government provides it through imports in proportion to the renewed needs after the looting of the pharmaceutical reserves of the city of Khartoum. He thanked the private sector for restoring imports with a credit of twenty million dollars per month.

He said that in 2023, the government of Sudan provided the equivalent of $30 million in pharmaceutical supplies and provided $16 million in medicines in the first quarter of this year to the states, stressing that the government contributed 65% to health support, which means that it prioritizes this area and ensures the maintenance of pharmaceutical services and treatments for citizens.

The minister said there were more than 400 cases of rape, calling for the creation of a unified platform and coordination of efforts to deal with these cases, stressing the coordination between the Sudanese government, the United Nations Population Fund and a number of actors to deal with the bodies.

The minister praised Arab support in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical consumables and called on the Arabs for more support in the field of reconstruction and the provision of medicines and medical equipment.

The minister appealed to businessmen and philanthropic organizations to contribute to the reconstruction of 7 to 8 hospitals that will enter into service, namely “Omdurman Hospital, Saudi Hospital, Chinese Hospital, Al-Dayat Hospital and Al-Tijani Al-Mahi Hospital for Mental and Psychological Illnesses.

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