Leaders in Times of Crisis – Samia Othman A Rich Culture ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

✨Leaders in times of crisis – Samia Othman A rich culture


🔹And a stubborn spirit.. and a spirit that knows neither despair nor failure..


🔹 She makes failure an undesirable step in her career path


⭕ In a world where events are accelerating and challenges are intertwined, stories emerge of exceptional leaders capable of leaving an indelible mark on the path of institutions and societies.

⭕ Samia Othman Ahmed, Director of the Department of Health and Housing, is one of those leaders who have managed to engrave her name in golden letters in the history of health administration.

⭕ Samia's strength lies in her unique ability to face professional challenges with a stubborn spirit, a rich social culture and strict management. Her experience has led her to face and resist difficulties, which manifests itself in leadership skills that make failure an undesirable step in her professional journey.

⭕Samiyah's experience did not come out of nowhere, rather it is the result of many years of hard work and perseverance in the corridors of administrative and health work.

⭕I have evolved between different management roles, gaining invaluable experiences. Each step of his career was like building a new stone in a building of successive successes.

He paved the way for his arrival

As Director of Administration

Health and housing.

⭕ Perseverance and determination are among Samia's most striking qualities that set her apart from others.

⭕ Moreover, she is considered one of the rich and strict cultural and social figures when it comes to work.

⭕ His ability to take responsibility and confront himself

The challenges were successful

A witty leader

You don't know despair

Or a failure.

⭕ Under his leadership, the Department of Health and Housing has seen a qualitative change in the quality of services and working methods.

⭕ Samia was able to

Improving health services and effectively addressing travel and arrival challenges, which has helped expand administration and increase…

Its ability to absorb and be effective.

⭕ She has left a clear mark in the development of the health sector in Shindi, leading several initiatives to improve infrastructure and increase the efficiency of services provided.

⭕She always believed that health was a window to life and she worked tirelessly to ensure

Access to health services

For every individual in society.

⭕I have faced many challenges due to travel and arrivals,

But thanks to his experience

And its effectiveness was possible

To transform these challenges

Opportunities to improve management capabilities and increase their efficiency.

⭕It was based on sound planning and wise management, which emphasized…

His leading role in leadership

Management towards security.

⭕The impact you left

Health services in Shendi are not limited to

Not only the present, but…

It extends to form a base

Strong for the future of the healthcare sector in the region.

⭕ Through her wise leadership, Shendi has become a role model

Lead by example by providing

Health services ,

Which underlines the important role

Which leaders play

Effective in the development and progress of societies.

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