Adrop Al-Ghatit_Jasli and Aghaz ✍️ Khaled Haj Ali Adrop

I'm going to tell you about a scene that happened to me more than {22} ago.

Twenty-two years ago, I was a student in secondary school, where Wadmadani was also full of private educational activities at that time. The first private schools and institutes were opened at that time, including, but not limited to, Al-Ustadz and Ibn Khaldun institutes and Al-Safa private secondary school, which was then located today in the Al-Baqi building on Doctors Street.

At that time, I was one of the most prominent students in Al-Safa High School, and I loved everything about politics, culture, cinema and intelligence, and I did not want to leave the group (Yakadb). that there was one of my classmates, may God protect him wherever he is, who was very tall and had a huge and very white body. He terrified the whole school at the time, that was that he lied. a lot, and every time he lied too, I corrected him, until one day he provoked me and yelled at me and threatened me in front of all my colleagues, I remained silent and did not answer him, and when we went out (for breakfast), my friend asked me and said: “What do you want to do?” You told me: What do I want to do, I want to be better? He said to me, “You can't because he's fat and tall and you're thin and short.” So we're going to complain about him to the teacher or his “guardian.” So I said to him, “But he's the one who hurt me. teacher or his guardian who hurt me, and I can.”

So I went home and thinking how to take revenge on this student who had wronged me and was terrorizing all the classes. That same evening I entered Amir Cinema, where the film was the most famous Indian film. The name of the star (Sunil Shetti) was Aghaaz, and (Agaaz) means anger in Hindi. One of the scenes in the film was a scene in which Sunil used red chilli powder which he sprinkled on the eyes of the poor people. , I mean (betrayal) and then beat them. So this idea came to my mind and the next day I took two pounds of hot (and spicy) red chilli powder, without spices, and put it in my pocket. “safrouq” next to the belt at the entrance of the trousers. The safrouk was light and strong, and I was good at hitting with it.

When the opportunity arose, I called him, and the students were present, with blocks of chili pepper on their hands in the palm of their hands, and when he approached the zero distance, I scratched his eyes more than three times in a row. Blocks of chili pepper and I hit them in the same eyes, as if I was “hitting”. And he was screaming too, and I did not wait long, I took him out (Al-Safroq) and then I surprised him with quick blows on the knees. which followed one another, while he was screaming, then on the back and hands, until the cigarettes arrived which were at that time next to the Khawaja cinema.

They arrested me and took me away, then I went home and left him moaning because of the scourge of these violent beatings among the students, and everyone was happy about it. The next morning, I came with a sharp dagger that I placed next to my belt, and when he saw me, he said to me: “You are walking with me tonight, where is the end of the day, I told him, it is not me, but you and those who are with you, and? with him were the children of the team he had brought (so I took out my dagger) and I said to him: “This is what awaits you, and I will drink your blood.” He also went away, then came back to me after a few minutes saying: “(Adroub, Jasali, brother, we are brothers, and forgiveness and well-being)” You told me (Listen to me, do not stay in front of me, go.

So my friend, who was afraid for me, came to me and said, “I'm going to go, 'You will be murdered, you will be invaded and invaded.'” And every time I hear the false expressions of cruelty that they what they really want, such as peace and war, must be stopped, and both sides of the conflict and their homes are looted and robbed, and their families are displaced, dragged and humiliated. I remember my friend telling me to complain to his people. guardian, and I can. By taking revenge, but it seems that the Qahta are not (Jaslis) and innocent as much as they are traitors and false crooks, and what is old is nothing new, nor how, Jasli !!!!

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