An octogenarian recites (spells) for victory and return home…… – Race in Politics – ✍️ Al-Tarifi Abu Naba

An eighty-year-old sheikh led the ranks with determination, despite his trembling limbs, but he had a firm and strong voice, confident in his words, committed to his message and the “ticket” he presented after Friday prayers in our village mosque had a good impact on the souls of the faithful. He preached and spoke well, urging us to pray, demanding that the Sudanese people (Qunoot) be essential in all our prayers so that victory would be complete and we would return home… This octogenarian, forced by displacement to live in the village of Al-Manasir, increased our faith and confidence by reflecting and explaining to us the word of the Almighty (Call upon me, I will answer you). the explanation he provided was the hope and wishes that we lived in his words and imagined with him while we were on the train and those who were returning home…

What is a joy is that the Sheikh's speech made us rush to listen to the radio, wandering among the new arrivals from Khartoum, Al-Jazeera and Madani, and he did not disappoint. Every time we listened to them, we felt the humanity in their conversation, especially those coming from Omdurman and Bahri….

I think that the message of Sheikh Al-Haram is more than just an eloquent sermon, but it is an urgent message that we should remember the memories of (the revolution) and call for the hashtag (Qunoot) for the sake of the homeland and return to It is a joint responsibility for the imams of mosques and preachers, for school teachers and media supporters. We must be diligent in our supplications and make this week the week of Qunoot and pray publicly in all prayers so that we achieve victory. and strengthen the strength of the armed forces, so that peace prevails and the rebels are expelled from homes and homes…

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