Nimeiry, Karzai and the Sheikhs – The Edge of the Sword – ✍️ Muhammad Al-Sadiq

My interlocutor spoke to me yesterday from the administrative capital, Port Sudan, and he is a veteran of the customs forces. We had a long and in-depth discussion about customs and the important role they play in providing the Treasury with funds that, if properly exploited, contribute to building a Sudan no less beautiful than the rest of the developed countries of the world. They have thrown themselves into it with all their might, and they have been helped in this by continuous work for their country with the utmost sincerity and honesty and by placing the necessary means. the right person in the right place.

0 My interlocutor said, referring to what I wrote about the case of Lieutenant General Adam, that he deserves to be arrested and examined with the greatest care and scrutiny, especially since he was in a state of illness and so that he would not be a dangerous precedent in the customs forces, known for justice and equality between people, and in which the law is above and beyond.

0 He mentioned to me that one of the officers was having a conversation with him about what I had written and he told him that the writer was not supposed to write about the institution, so I interrupted him and said: “I am writing about customs and its achievements and its glorious work before its director, Lieutenant General Salah Al-Sheikh, going through all the directors, the last of whom is Lieutenant General Hassan Al-Kareem, whose witness I bear God, I do not know him and I have never met him, and I wrote about the injustice that was inflicted on it and I did not write about the customs institution, which for me is one of the largest institutions, units or authorities that generate huge amounts of money for the state, and I am very keen to admire the loyalty of the vast majority of its members who devote their work to it and chain success after success.

0 But what happened to the team, according to Al-Karim, is a strange and strange matter, is that what happened to him, despite the fact that many journalists reported his grievances, did not find a listening ear nor one of the leaders of the members of the Sovereign Council to address him and investigate what was published to remain faithful to the truth that surpasses it.

0 We are still waiting for justice for the man who achieved so much success and greatness

Increase income, bring justice to every oppressed person, and have enemies before friends testify to his successes.

0 We have not offended and will not offend anyone. We only asked and demanded that the injustice be reversed against the leader who gave and kept nothing. However, what we heard in the conversation about the person who makes the decisions behind the minister and the causes. all the problems for him and the ministry is a surprising matter for which we do not know the reason.

Here we are entitled to ask ourselves what the minister has done to the one who speaks, addresses and does everything in his power? Will the rope be left to him alone? This phrase about the rope in the west reminds me of the late President Numeiri, may God have mercy on him, because he often repeated it. We will not leave the rope to chance.

0 We are among the most supportive of the customs forces and the most admiring of all its officers and soldiers and the successive successes they achieve, but we do not want among them to be a new (Karzai) or a stubborn person or among them who believes in the sheikhs to survive and so that he likes to sit, but we want everyone to be honest in his work and stay away from injustice. Whoever is unjust today must be wronged as he was wronged for a long time or. A short time ago, how could this not be the case while injustice is dark on the Day of Resurrection?

0 We, as the press, have a great responsibility before God, and we must inform people of the facts, propose solutions and tell those who did good, did well, and those who did evil, did well and no good. was lost, with claims behind it.

And tomorrow, Sudan, you will grow up

Stay higher and stay cooler

0 Tomorrow, God willing, we will continue, if there is any remnant of life left… and God is behind the intention.

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