Endowments Minister Accuses Hostile Media of Spreading Lies

Khashm Al-Qirba: Zul Net Network

Federal Minister of Religious Affairs and Endowments Dr. Osama Hassan Muhammad Ahmed accused the media, which he described as hostile, of working to destabilize security and stability, spreading lies and intimidating citizens in matters of security, he stressed during his speech to the Minister. Forum of Imams and Preachers in Khashm al-Girba countryside in Kassala State, stressed the importance of refuting rumors and not believing lies that destroy stability, and explained that the comprehensive meeting with imams and preachers comes within the framework of supporting the armed forces. armed forces in the battle to defeat the rapid support militia, emphasizing the role of imams, preachers and Friday preachers in generating enthusiasm and mobilizing citizens to support the armed forces, noting the importance of Friday pulpits in educating society about the current state of the country. in passing. He added (from here). The role of the mosque is to spread reassuring messages to citizens and the need to be honest in the news they receive.

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