We are all precious – Masarib Al-Dhay – ✍️ Dr Mohamed Tabidi

Creativity always comes from the Sudanese people, whose calamities make them stronger, more powerful and more valuable. Because we are all valuable, solidarity, solidarity and compassion will remain our dominant Sudanese characteristic that distinguishes us from other peoples. in the form of a human value that tells the authenticity of this people, and because the war aims to humiliate defenseless citizens, impoverish them and rob them of their efforts and the misery of their lives, the Nakba was greater than the eyes of the enemies screaming in front of friends, and because the enemies were the same friends who did not believe, the value of the gift was greater, and because those who planned and planned it were young men whom we knew for their noble values ​​in their person and their insistence on preserving our values ​​as Sudanese, which are (a friend in times of distress, a heavy burden and an evening dress and receiving the guest for lunch and meal) was an organization, we are all valuable, and here anyone. Majeed stutters in prose because they undoubtedly deserve a Sanaa that is not comparable to Sanaa, as the organization investigated with the World Food Program to support those affected by the war, this organization that was born with its teeth and ignited humanitarian work in Rabak, Kassala, Gedaref and Khartoum State with a kitchen. The values ​​of kindness in Kassala State, targeting shelters, bringing joy to the children of the Sultan's afflictions and entertaining them, Professor Siddiq Hassan Farini continued to congratulate them on the accomplishment of their work. followed by work, especially to honor the symbols of society and for what they did in Sinja, Sennar and Madani with the World Food Program and the kindness pin of the last Ramadan in the city of Al-Duwaim and Port Sudan, and the achievements continue because. we are all precious.

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