White Nile Governor Praises Courage and Bravery of Al-Halba Region Residents Against Rebel Militias

Professor Omar Al-Khalifa Abdullah, Governor of White Nile State, Chairman of the State Security Committee and members of the State Security Committee, paid tribute this morning to the martyrs of Al-Halba area in the Shabsha administrative unit of the Shuwaihat tribe. at their homes in the city of Al-Duwaim, in the presence of Professor Abdel Ghaffar Ali Faragallah, the executive director of Al-Duwaim locality and the local security committee and leaders of the popular resistance. The governor also inspected the wounded and injured at Al-Dawim Hospital and checked their health conditions.

While addressing the citizens with his condolences, the Governor of White Nile presented the condolences of the government and the people of the state regarding the martyrs of Al-Halba region, and praised the courage and courage of the people of Al-Halba in the face of the enemy, sacrificing themselves and their spirit for the sake of the land and honor, and announced the continued support of the state government to the armed forces, the popular resistance and the recruits stationed in the front positions.

For his part, Major General Sami Al-Tayeb Sayed Ahmed, Commander of the 18th Infantry Division in White Nile State, announced that the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces stands with the citizens of Al-Halba region to confront the rebel militias and mercenaries. , soldiers and agents. He said: “We came with a message from the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces of its solidarity with the people of Al-Halba region and its support with various weapons.” by the people of Al-Halba are a model of popular armed resistance. He also praised the solidarity of the tribes in the region and their steadfastness in the face of the enemy.

For his part, the head of the crisis management room in Al-Halba region, Basher Fadla, said that the people of the region offered thirty-three martyrs and more than seventeen wounded, in addition to the kidnapped and missing, as a sacrifice for the land. and honor, and they are now living in critical humanitarian conditions that require urgent interventions from the state government in terms of shelter, food and health, stressing that the Shuwaihat tribe. The White Nile and North Kordofan tribes in the region have all rallied to defend the Halaba region. and provided support to prepare a convoy of more than one hundred million people to support the citizens of the region who were displaced due to the encroachment of rebel militias on the Halaba area.

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