Psychological rehabilitation of children after crises and wars ✍️ Taha Haroun Hamed

Crises and wars are among the most devastating human experiences for society, especially for children, who are greatly affected psychologically and emotionally. Children who experience traumatic experiences such as armed conflicts and natural disasters such as torrents, floods and earthquakes may face major psychological challenges that require specialized intervention to rehabilitate them psychologically and restore their emotional and mental balance.

The impact of crises and wars on children

Psychological and emotional effects

Children living in crisis or war zones often suffer from psychological disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression. They may also experience difficulties settling and sleeping, recurring nightmares and a loss of sense of security. These effects are evident in their daily behaviours such as social isolation, aggression and difficulty concentrating at school.

Social and behavioral influences

Social impacts on children include loss of family and social connections, as they may witness the loss of family members or friends. This can lead them to feel lonely and isolated, and develop unhealthy behaviors such as substance abuse or joining violent groups.

Stages of psychological rehabilitation for children

1. Assessment and diagnosis

Psychological rehabilitation of children begins with a comprehensive assessment of their psychological state. This is done through sessions with psychologists who use various assessment tools such as interviews, questionnaires and psychological tests. This helps determine the type of psychological support required for each child.

2. Provide psychological support

Psychological support includes the provision of individual and group therapy sessions. Psychotherapy can include different techniques such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), play therapy and art therapy. These sessions aim to help children express their feelings and cope with traumatic memories.

3. Family and community support

Involving the family and community in the rehabilitation process is a crucial step. Orientation sessions can be organized for parents to help them understand their children's needs and provide them with appropriate support. Also, community activities can be organized to rebuild social ties and strengthen the sense of belonging and security.

4. Vocational education and training

Children who have been exposed to crises may suffer from academic delays. It is therefore important to provide them with appropriate educational support to help them catch up in class. In addition to offering vocational training programs to adolescents to help them develop skills that contribute to their professional future.

Successful examples of psychological rehabilitation programs

“Children First” Program in Syria

The Children First program is part of the initiatives launched by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Syria. The program aims to provide psychological and social support to children affected by the war. By providing treatment sessions and educational programs, the program has managed to rehabilitate thousands of children and help them return to normal lives.

Project “Hope” in Iraq

The “Amal” project, managed by the Iraqi Red Crescent Society, provides psychological rehabilitation programs to children affected by war and conflict in Iraq. The project includes therapeutic sessions, recreational activities and educational programs aimed at providing a safe and supportive environment for children.


Psychological rehabilitation of children after crises and wars is an essential process to ensure the return of these children to a normal and stable life. By providing appropriate psychological and social support, they can overcome traumatic experiences and build a bright future. Through the joint efforts of individuals, society and relevant institutions, they contribute to achieving this noble goal and ensuring the right of children to live in dignity. a safe life.

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