Resumption of the educational process in North Kordofan State according to the emergency education strategy {2} – ✴️ Another angle ✴️ Dr. Amna Muhammad Abdel Rahman

The gradual implementation of the emergency education plan strategy in the state of North Kordofan represents one of the mechanisms and indicators for measuring the experience in order to identify the opportunities and challenges it faces. The deviation from the routine in the educational process is one of the reasons why it is not possible to do so. accept the idea and deal with it, and this can happen for several reasons, including the state's entry into urban warfare for the first time and the shock and suffering of citizens as a result of the direct and indirect effects of this devastating war. The mental image of the educational environment among the parents of students is not consistent with the emergency education plans. These and other factors can be overcome by supporting and supporting the experience, discovering weak points and strengthening them with flexibility and the ability to cope with them.

The decision of the Ministry of Education to resume studies for the first and sixth grades of primary school and the third intermediate grades on August 4 is an indicator of the success of the experiment. Perhaps the measure in such circumstances depends on the penetration rate and the success of the experiment. Certainly, any progress in the educational process represents a positive motivation for stability and continuity.

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