Daggers in the back of the nation…. The agents cause harm and ruin..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

An Arab president frankly revealed to a group of journalists the millions of dollars he had paid to Sudanese politicians to overthrow the Khartoum regime, and they received it with joy and accepted the mission because of which lives were lost and much blood was shed… and when it was shameless, it was hallucinating. With the myth of (the restructuring of the army), the same period saw meetings of (foreign) parties in foreign capitals to discuss the issue of restructuring, with the participation of the Sudanese… and recently, Tom Perriello (the American envoy to Sudan) announced questions that came to them from the Sudanese about the possibility of using (Chapter Seven) against Sudan… And Muhammad Jalal Hashem reveals a (foreign plan) in which the Sudanese participate, to lure the army into certain fighting areas (to annihilate its attacking forces) using high techniques (military techniques)…!!*

*The sleeper cells of agents inside the cities and neighborhoods are those who (are in charge of) paving the roads and sending (the coordinates) for the rebellion to commit its various crimes… and the agents are those who put (their hands) in the hands of the militias to start the war and cause (murders and destruction) and all its other crimes, and they are the ones who organize (meetings) outside Sudan, continue to destroy their homeland and kill their people… and they are the ones who spread (lies) about the return of the Islamists to power and that the army is the army of Kizan, and (they incite) the foreign parties to continue the war in the hope of finding under its smoke a way for their return… but with all this (selling at low prices) for themselves in foreign markets, the people will not accept them and they do not have (the capabilities) to rule a country like Sudan if they had possessed them. , their (dark times) would not have gone to hell, and because they are (idiots and absent) they have not yet understood that the external actors who employ them fully know (fragility and humility) their abilities, but prefer to use them only to achieve their colonial goals..!!

*The agents are poisoned daggers stuck in the backs of the nation and the people, and they are the “vanguards of evil” that inflicts on us during all periods of national domination, through their imported ideas and by engaging in paid activities. roles, and the worst (their hostility) towards the religion of God, Islam. There is no power nor strength except in God, the Most High, the Great… and we ask Him, the Almighty, not to raise a flag for them and leave them no trace in our beloved homeland..!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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