Al-Sisi team in Al-Dammar managed to honor the coach (Adel) by honoring the state sports director and the director of Al-Sahm club

Yesterday afternoon, Al-Sisi Sunni Football Academy in Al-Damir held a sports festival and carnival in the stadium of Al-Arab neighborhood in Al-Shaadinab in honor of the competent coach Adel Ibrahim Al-Baiyu, in recognition of his invaluable efforts in developing football in the region, amid a large presence led by the businessman, philanthropist and sports tycoon, Mr. Al-Amin Al-Awad – Chairman of Al-Sahm Sports Club in Al-Damir, in the presence of Mr. Mohamed Hashem Abdeen. , Director of Sports at the Ministry of Youth and Sports in the Nile State, and a number of athletes from the region, the festival program included an exhibition football match between the teams of the Eastern Sunni Schools Football Academy of Al-Sha'idnab and Al-Sisi Academy, in which the players presented a high-level exhibition match, where the two teams exchanged. The attacks, especially the Al-Sisi team, were the best in attacking from the left side, which excelled in fast play and ball reversals, causing a headache for the defense of the Al-Shaidnab team The game continued as a debate between the two teams until the midfield referee announced the end of the official time of the match in favor of the Al-Sisi Academy team, with a score of 1 /. 2.

For his part, the president of Al-Sahm club praised the initiative of the ceremony honoring the coach (Adel) as a token of appreciation and gratitude for his hard work in developing and modernizing football in the region. He said that this honor is a tribute to him. the first generation of players in the region. He stressed his continued support and sponsorship to the clubs in the region, especially the academies of Sunni football schools. He also praised the technical level. At the end of his speech, he praised the efforts and efforts of Hay Al-Arab club and its effective contribution to the honor ceremony, while the state sports director took the floor, appreciating the efforts of the organizing committee of the festival and saying that the expert, Adel Sal, visited a number of different sports stadiums. In addition, the renowned expert Adel expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Sisi Club and Al-Sheikh Nab Club for their wonderful participation in this honor and appreciated the efforts of the athlete Al-Amin Al-Awad. his leading role in supporting the clubs in the region. At the end of the program, a section honoring the celebrant and a number of sports stars was made.

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