The Importance of Medicine as a Humanitarian Profession in Sudan ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabbashi Al-Amin Al-Arabi

I was very pleased to participate in Session No. (118) of the Council of Professors, as one of its most important events was the graduation of the (18) class of the Faculty of Medicine, and the intimacy comes from the great successes achieved by the College despite the unfavorable conditions that the country experienced and the lack of stability, as well as the repercussions of the spread of the Corona 19 pandemic that led to the repeated closure of the university, and despite these current challenges, the professors and teachers. the assistant staff were able, and with the help of the graduates of the college, to succeed in graduating this class, which prompted the Council and all its members to record a well-deserved vote of praise for the officials of the College of Medicine, and that is why, through this article, I wanted to salute the efforts of the Nilein University College of Medicine family, in addition to sending a message to my sons and daughters who are graduate doctors in the future of their professional lives.

Medicine is considered a humanitarian profession and it is one of the professions that occupies a high position in society due to its status and benefits as well as the social respect and great acceptance it brings to its practitioner among people, which leads them to regard this job title with admiration and pride, and many encourage their children to study this profession. Medicine is also one of the fastest growing professions and requires a great mobilization of science and medical knowledge. bows to it and to the first doctors who had the greatest merit in discovering diseases and treating patients, even though their tools at that time were primitive. Despite this, doctors have excelled since ancient times in surgery and treating various incurable injuries. diseases, and they were able to establish many laws in medicine regarding the treatment of communicable and contagious diseases, and they discovered several techniques that help them in the treatment, and among the most famous ancient physicians whose approach has been followed by many physicians since ancient times is the Greek physician Hippocrates, and perhaps Muslim physicians are among the first physicians to leave their mark. Outstanding figures in the world of medicine, such as Ibn Sina, Al-Razi, Al-Kindi, Al-Tabari and Al-Zahawi, and the medical profession has developed with the development of civilizations and countries, not only by discovering diseases, diagnosing them and inventing medicines for them, but also by developing medical and surgical tools and tools necessary for examining patients, starting with the scalpel and surgical equipment. tools, through surgical sutures and a stethoscope, the doctor eventually introduces technology into diagnostic devices such as radiology, ultrasound and other devices, and finally using robots to perform operations, as well as some nursing tasks, and ends with countless techniques.

That is why I wanted to send a message to my sons and daughters who are qualified doctors in the future of their professional life, as well as to their parents and families, which consists of a set of facts on which we must focus and determine to what extent the specificity of the medical profession, and I will summarize them as follows:

1. The profession of a doctor is filled with determination, willpower, patience and a great ability to give time to others without getting bored. It is one of the most inspiring professions in people's lives because it teaches them the meaning of giving. It is therefore a profession that inspires morality, because the doctor impresses others with his ability to give, his humility and his genuine desire to help others. The doctor must therefore have a wonderful ability to relate symptoms to each other. to know what the appropriate medicine is, he must at the same time be precise, very focused, alert and quick-witted, and possess a great heart strength that makes him a competent surgeon who knows the location of the pain and intervenes. . Use a garage scalpel to remove it.

2. The doctor must be ready at all times for any emergency. He cannot, like other professionals, apologize for providing services to people in his free time, because the doctor does not enjoy this luxury and the medical profession requires him to be one of those people ready to serve and treat others and to fulfill his duty. At all times, even if he is not at work, he is motivated by his moral conscience, which must have crystallized during his years of medical studies.

3. The doctor, regardless of the level of knowledge and academic and professional advancement he has achieved, should not hesitate for a single moment to increase his knowledge and insight in exchange for giving his patients the correct diagnosis. Innovation never stops. Every day, the world of medicine witnesses a new discovery and modern treatment methods that require constant monitoring by the doctor.

4. The medical profession does not have a retirement age like other professions. The doctor continues to treat people as long as he is able.

5. Considering the social respect and great acceptance that the doctor finds among the people, and the view of this job title with admiration and pride, this view requires the doctor's correct behavior as a model and role model in society, and he must commit to maintaining this high status in his stillness and movements, as well as in his general appearance and interaction with the combined public in which he lives.

Finally, my sincere wishes to my sons, the graduate doctors, for success in fulfilling their humanitarian mission. They should keep in mind that all members of the Sudanese people are in dire need of their efforts and contribution to alleviate their diseases.

Teacher: Fikri Kabashi Al-Amin Al-Arabi

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