The People of God Al-Bubar – The Spine of a Whale – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*Anyone who meditates on the Sudanese folk heritage of pride and chivalry will find the Kanana full of attributes of nobility, chivalry and virility, and they will praise him abundantly, and you will find them repeated in the poems (We are the lion, We are the crocodile of Damira, We are the desert tiger, We are the falcon, We are the hawk, We are the worm, We are the dabi), which are all characteristics of animals and other descriptions that confirm that the Sudanese crossed the earth or reached the top of the mountains out of excessive pride and self-esteem, and this applies to all components of the Sudanese people. Each tribe sees that it is better than the other, and each family sees that it is better than the other, and each party considers itself better than the others, until one imagines that the world was not created in it. Apart from the Sudanese people, Eve used contraceptive drugs and installed an extra chip after giving birth to God's people (the bubar), the Sudanese people, and thus life in Sudan is built on the great deception of pride of nothing*.

*It can be said that practical experience has proven that we, as a people, are an inactive and lazy people who have all the necessities of life, but we have not managed to produce enough for our needs at the time the singer sings (even the birds come hungry from the outskirts of their hospice and are satisfied). Most likely, the birds mentioned in the song are those who earn their living. Today in Sudan, the displaced people of Albion occupy its population and take up arms against the Sudan. the state, because when the state treats foreigners with weakness and weakness, it whets the appetite of the foreigner to achieve goals that would destroy the homeland, as is happening in Sudan today. If you ask about Khartoum today and its people, its people have. been displaced and the birds that settled there Satisfaction of the limits of his piety*.

*Therefore, it becomes clear to everyone that we, as a people, say what we do not do and boast without working or letting others work. We are a people who possess all the means of envy, hatred and hatred. We can agree on destruction and hatred. We disagree on construction. We agree on hatred and disagree on love. We do not accept each other and do not agree with foreigners to achieve narrow personal and partisan interests. that our loyalty to the tribe is deeper than loyalty to the homeland. We agree in judging the failure of any project, and we differ in success. As a people, we do not differentiate between the state and the government, and we do not know the difference. The meaning of national security, and we are the only state in the world. Some of its politicians curse their military institution and work to dismantle it, and we are the only country that is in a state of political war with military tools*.

*We are the only country in the world whose politicians have become like diapers that have been used many times until worms develop and multiply in them and are never changed. The old politicians still dream of ruling Sudan, and they are closer to entering the grave than entering the palace, which is nothing but rubble and a memory of the past. This has been written on the page of modern Sudanese history, and despite this, we find them today practicing political extinction outside the land of Sudan. has reduced their capabilities because they do not have an ounce of true patriotism*.

Half a fork

*We are a people good at gossiping and hanging around. As for the politicians among us, they are educated (…i) and are good at every role of employment, intelligence and mercenary, except patriotism, because it was stolen from them. I know it is harsh speech, but it is the truth.*

A quarter of a fork

*We are an overflowing people, we have nothing*.

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