Between cultural misappropriation and intellectual bankruptcy – On Low Fire – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

⭕ The cultural and artistic scene in Sudan has been subjected to such a blatant act before the eyes of our Ministry of Culture and its administration, and we see and hear about our creativity and arts being stolen and written by production in such and such a way, and we do not move a finger, even at the level of the economy, agricultural and livestock production, we look at this, and there is no movement or question.

⭕ There is a theft of ideas, even at the internal level, and media, artistic and creative products are being embezzled, which is a kind of clear bankruptcy.

We find it widespread in our scene with great density and wide diffusion.

⭕ Cultural appropriation is a controversial phenomenon in our contemporary world, as it includes the appropriation of elements from other cultures without appreciation or respect.

⭕On the other hand, to study and analyze this hadith, its manifestations include the superficial adoption of cultural symbols, such as clothing and songs, while the original cultural roots are ignored. This is accompanied by intellectual bankruptcy, deterioration of the ability to think critically and analytically, which negatively affects creativity and innovation.

⭕ Cultural appropriation refers to the process of reusing cultural components of certain groups by individuals or groups outside of that culture.

⭕This can manifest in many forms, from appropriating an artistic or musical style to exploiting religious symbols. The superficial consumption of these elements can lead to negative repercussions, such as emptying entire cultures of their true meaning.

⭕ There are many reasons for the increase in cultural malpractices. Globalization is a major means, as cultures are increasingly intertwined through media and communication. In addition, the lack of cultural awareness and respect contributes to the recurrence of this phenomenon.

⭕Cultural marketing can also enhance this action by presenting culture as if it were a consumable product.

⭕ Cultural appropriation threatens national identity because it can contribute to distorting authentic cultural concepts. When indigenous cultural elements fade, it becomes difficult for individuals to recognize their heritage.

⭕ This in turn can lead to a sense of loss and separation from people's original identity.

⭕ Intellectual bankruptcy is defined as the deterioration of the ability to think critically and analyze in a complex manner. The reasons for this failure are due to lack of education, the influence of superficial media, and lack of intellectual stimulation. Individuals living in societies affected by intellectual bankruptcy may become more likely to manipulate ideas and concepts without being able to differentiate them.

⭕ There is a mutual relationship between cultural appropriation and intellectual bankruptcy. Immersion in other cultures without understanding or criticism leads to a weak cultural identity, which increases intellectual bankruptcy.

⭕ In this case, these phenomena overlap and feed off each other, leading to negative repercussions on society in general.

⭕ Several strategies can be implemented to reduce the phenomena of cultural appropriation and intellectual bankruptcy. These strategies include the promotion of cultural education and awareness of cultural dimensions. In addition, local artistic expression should be encouraged and indigenous cultural activities encouraged. ⭕ These efforts can contribute

By reviving common cultural values ​​and empowering individuals

To think deeply.

⭕ There are multiple examples of cultural appropriation in different societies. Some brands use cultural symbols from different cultures, giving them commercial connotations.

⭕ Many television programs embody cultural models without taking into account their original cultural sensibilities. ⭕These phenomena highlight the urgent need to understand true cultural depth.

⭕Education plays a major role in combating cultural appropriation and intellectual bankruptcy. By promoting awareness of different cultures and teaching cultural values, individuals can be empowered to understand and develop their cultural identity.

⭕ Additionally, educational programs must focus on critical thinking and cultural interaction to build a generation capable of preserving its cultural roots.

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