Ali Baldo and the Bray of Spring – Reports – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

Before the war triggered by the rebellion of April 15, 2023, the doctor and psychiatrist Ali Balado came from time to time to describe to us the psychological state of the Sudanese people and what had happened to them due to the political conditions and living conditions, but he remained silent for a while and we have not read anything from him since the beginning of the war….

We need some of his psychological reflections and readings on the conditions of some people after this war, and we mention here particularly the case of the so-called Abdel Moneim Al-Rabi', who continued to bray from time to time with conversations and heresies. This requires analyzing his character first and then paying attention to what he says or does not say…

A psychologist's reading of this convulsive person's manner of speaking, his facial expressions, his eye movements, his shaving, his neck movements and his articulation of letters, will tell you that it is someone pretending to be a donkey who is talking to you, and that no one is taking advantage of it. hearing the braying of donkeys…

The last thing that Al-Rabie imposed, two days ago, were conditions that he said were the conditions of the rebels in Geneva, and he did not know that the rebels and those who adhere to them were demanding day and night for unconditional negotiations and an agreement to end the war in any way…

This man said that one of their conditions was the gathering of the armed forces in about ten camps (and he listed them) and that the conditions of the army were the gathering of their remnants and their remnants in three camps, which indicates his ignorance of the difference in numbers between the two forces and who has the upper hand in such a situation…

One of the conditions for this is that State 56 surrenders and announces its disbandment. Otherwise, Shendi and what lies beyond to the north will be under their control once the preparations are complete!!

Other conditions and conditions he does not know, nor is he aware of their effects, nor of the extent of the harm they inflict on those who try to support them in a strange asshole…

This spring he brays and raves every time he wakes up as soon as he invades and enters Shendi and all the north, and he emits and spits toxins of hatred, malice and hatred for these people among whom he lived for a time and who honored him with great honor, but it is a bad education that leads some to defecate in a bowl in which they ate…

The hate speech that was launched in the spring does not deserve to be heard or taken into account by those who hope for an improvement in the situation of Sudan and its people after the end of this war. It must instead be fought. and others like us to really seek and expect a different future for this country…

This speech should be followed by organizations and parties concerned with combating hate speech and preventing incitement to conflict, and the country in which he resides should take measures against him so that calls for racism and speeches inciting the commission of crimes on an ethnic basis are not followed. does not emanate from its territory…

The speech of this so-called person requires follow-up by the Sudanese embassy where he resides, and it is considered conclusive evidence convicting him of inciting hatred and waging racist war against others, and opening reports against him until all languages ​​are heard. silenced who continued to only know how to speak on racist grounds and with racist language, which gave this country the resources for destruction…

God was helping everyone

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