With Aqar, we know who these people are and where they come from!! – Meeting Bakri Al-Madani


*On several occasions I make sure to meet the leader/deputy Malik Agar because he is the only politician from whom I find the naked truth – be it what can be published or what cannot!!*

*I met Hagar in the high mountains of Inqasna shortly after the change of October 25, and I met him after the outbreak of war on April 15, where he was working with his comrades in the movements until the twenty-third hour before zero to prevent war in Khartoum*

*Today I met Agar in Port Sudan after the assassination attempt on President Burhan in Jebeit, where the incident provided an opportunity to talk*

*Aqar mentioned to me that he was also supposed to go to Jabit's graduation if she hadn't arranged an emergency meeting for him in the port!!*

* Regarding the incident of targeting Al-Burhan, I told him that it was a strange incident for the culture of the Sudanese people. He replied: Yes, and in fact, their culture is not like our culture in wars, it does not respect the law or morality*.

*Aqar added: – I fought for 40 years. There were only two cases of rape and we executed them!!*

* Talking about wars and cultural differences was an opportunity for me to ask Aqar about the difference between their war and that of the Rapid Support mercenaries. He replied: – I was fighting the government and my daughter was accepted into the police academy in . Khartoum at the same time. He added that this same daughter had asked me for permission from Othman and Al-Mutawafi to attend her wedding and I accepted that!!*

*During this burning comparison, and because I know Aqar's admiration for the writer Tayeb Salih, I questioned him on the pillar, saying – Who are these people and where do they come from?*

*Malik responded with a wonderful literary text: We know who these people are and where they come from. They are mercenaries who fight for money, so their standards are unbalanced and it is possible for them to “do anything”*.

*I told him it was a difficult war and he said: I am a fighter and I know the difficulty of this war. It is different because it is a war of cities and streets and the strength of the mercenaries is among the citizens and they do not have specific locations – they fight on the backs of Toyotas and there is no specific battlefield and yet they rely on snipers*

*But nevertheless – said the representative – the army's strategy managed to destroy the fundamental force of the mercenaries, and the army absorbed the first attack, and now these are groups of separate countries and tribal forces that resolve with the despair of the financier and the mediator, and the complaint of the recipient, because their fight is essentially a contractual fight!!*

*I asked Mr. Leader/Deputy if he was confident that our country would emerge from this crisis, and he confidently answered: – Yes, and he added: I am not afraid of war, but rather I am afraid that we will fail to build the state that realizes the interests of all Sudanese people after the war, and I clearly see this failure through the positions of the political forces!!*.

*As if to reassure myself, I repeated the question directly – How are we going to escape, Your Excellency, from this difficult situation?! He said: – Yes* *And Aqar told a joke about his companions, Jonas, imprisonment and James Al. -Hadi, when the army attacked them in the Yabus region during the days of the rebellion, and a great battle took place/James was moving from his position, he comes to Jonas' store and asks him: Do people want healthy broth.?! Jonas assures him that people are in a sauce because of the battle, but when James continues to move and ask questions, Jonas tells him: People are in a healthy sauce, but your movement is not a sauce!!*


*I told Commander/Deputy Agar: We seem to have no allies in this war, and even visits from Russia, Uganda and the South have not produced any tangible results!!*

*Aqar said: The visits are fruitful and the relations are good, but people are in a hurry and want to see the results of the planes and guns, and even if they come, people may not see them!!*.

*Speaking of people – I mentioned Hagar’s constant criticism of public behavior!!*

*Answer: I criticized the general behavior because we actually live in a state of pretension. We are not the best and there are many who are better than us in many situations*.

*I asked Malik – Observers were surprised by your withdrawal from the political coordination forces – why?*

*He said: “We withdrew from the coordination because there is a defect in political work, and I want to spend the rest of my life in what benefits people, and I have no time for conflicts, neither in politics nor in power.

*I said: What about the past life?*

*Aqar said: – I have achieved my ambition in public work to a large extent by meeting the demands of the margins, and I want to do what pleases people for the rest of my life*

*I told the deputy observer that you are constantly writing about current events?!*

*He said: Yes, I write and I have a notepad

I document everything in the form of a memoir about the war period, and I have a summary of it for today. In the past, I wrote scattered articles about the Popular Movement, and I wrote in Sudan Now, the cultural section, and. specifically about the cultures of the Blue Nile, I have also written for a number of African publications, and I have comparisons between the Torah and the Quran*.

*At this station, Aqar summoned from the network writings on the nostalgia of Khartoum (Nostalgia) and began to read scenes from the documentation – living scenes of a breathing city that MP Aqar had been associated with since his arrival there as a high school student in the sixties. Old Khartoum to Aqar was not just a place but a living being when he read and I remembered a new song about cobwebs and the destruction of Khartoum by the Janjaweed!!*

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