Tribute to the Media Department of Al-Dabbah Locality: The Spark of Success and Hope ✍️ Laila Ziadeh

The Media Department of Al-Dabba locality has the brilliance of success and hope in the sky of professional media thanks to the honor bestowed on it by the Supreme Council of Culture and Media of the Northern State, which organized an evaluation tour in the localities of the state. Al-Dabba has distinguished itself with its outstanding performance in the fields of media and culture, which led to the appreciation and honor of its leadership, which will remain a model and a necklace of honor throughout the ages.

The credit goes to the great efforts of the Executive Director, the inspiring man who came in his place and at the right time, Mr. Muhammad Saber Kashkish, who focused on developing the capabilities of the media and culture team and urged them to achieve the best in everything they do. Localism has also dominated the media scene recently in all official and popular events, forums and meetings, which reflects that behind these great media roles are highly qualified media teams, local in their geography and global in their professionalism. understanding and a great awareness of the importance of the media and the growing role it plays, especially in these difficult times that the country is going through.

We thank the Supreme Council for Culture and Media for its continued support, and we congratulate Mr. Mohamed Saber and all those who contributed to this success. We also extend our thanks to all media workers and professionals, especially in the locality of Al-Dabba, for their dedication and contribution to promoting its positive image.

With this honor, we are on a new beginning that we hope will be positive for the media administration in the locality of Al-Dabbah, and that the media will play an increasingly important role in the next stage, especially in reflecting the culture, artistic, civilizational and heritage aspect of the northern state society in general and the region in particular, the locality of Al-Dabbah and its preparation for the next stage after the war. We say this

We are hopeful that this locality will become the nucleus of a pioneering media institution (channel, radio station, newspaper) that will keep pace with technological development and will be in the interest of the locality, the Northern State and the great and beloved homeland of Sudan.

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