Makkah Al-Mukarramah Conference: A Platform for Islamic Revival and Cohesion – Something for the Homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

The Holy Land recently hosted the most important Islamic event, the Ninth Conference of Ministers of Endowments and Islamic Affairs. This conference, which brought together an elite group of scholars, thinkers and officials from various Islamic countries, provided an important platform to study issues of concern to the Islamic nation and seek modern solutions to the challenges it faces.

One of the most important topics that attracted attention during the conference was the renewal of religious discourse. Participants stressed the importance of returning to the Quran and the Sunnah of the Noble Prophet as a fundamental reference for understanding the Islamic religion, and of striving to correct the misconceptions that have spread in some circles. They also stressed the need to combat extremist ideas that attempt to distort the image of a tolerant Islam and to propagate a culture of tolerance and coexistence between religions and ethnicities.

The interest of the conference was not limited to the religious aspect, but also extended to the role of endowments in achieving sustainable development. The participants discussed ways to benefit from endowment resources to support development projects and improve the living standards of Muslims in various parts of the world. They also stressed the importance of developing endowments and managing them in a scientific and professional manner, ensuring maximum benefits from their resources.

The issue of combating extremism and terrorism is one of the most important challenges facing the Islamic world and was given great attention at the conference. Participants stressed the need for concerted efforts to confront this imminent danger and work to dry up its sources. They also stressed the importance of raising awareness of the dangers of extremism and terrorism and promoting the values ​​of citizenship and belonging to the homeland.

The conference highlighted the importance of Islamic cooperation in addressing the challenges facing the Islamic nation. Participants stressed the need to strengthen solidarity and cooperation among Islamic countries, exchange experiences and knowledge, and work together to achieve common interests. They also stressed the importance of supporting Islamic institutions working in the field of advocacy and awareness-raising, and providing necessary support to Muslim minorities in various regions of the world.

The conference highlighted the Egyptian experience in combating extremism and spreading the values ​​of moderation and tolerance. This experience was widely praised by the participants, as it is considered a model to follow in the region and the Islamic world.

The Makkah Al-Mukarramah Conference is an important step towards unifying the Islamic ranks and strengthening cooperation among Islamic countries. The conference resulted in important recommendations that contribute to building a better future for the Islamic nation. Despite the great challenges facing the Islamic world, there is hope that Muslims can overcome them through unity and cooperation.

In conclusion, it can be said that the conference highlighted the importance of the following elements:

Renewing religious discourse: returning to the Quran and the Sunnah and confronting extremist ideas.

Endowments: their role in the development and advancement of Muslim societies.

Combating extremism and terrorism: concerted efforts and awareness raising.

Islamic cooperation: strengthening solidarity and joint action.

The Egyptian experience: a model in the fight against extremism and the diffusion of values ​​of moderation.

The success of the recommendations of this conference requires concerted efforts from all parties concerned, be they governments, civil society institutions or religious scholars. Everyone must work together to achieve the goals set at the conference and build a bright future for the Islamic nation.

Additional recommendations that we hope will generate interest at the conference include:

Strengthening the role of women: Women must be actively involved in all aspects of life, including Islamic work.

Attention to youth: Special attention should be paid to Muslim youth and awareness and training programs should be offered to them.

Developing educational programs: Educational programs should be developed to include the values ​​of tolerance and coexistence, as well as the promotion of Islamic identity.

Use of Technology: Modern technology should be used to spread Islamic advocacy and educate youth.

In conclusion, it can be said that the Makkah Conference has drawn a clear roadmap for building a better future for the Islamic nation. Everyone must work hard to achieve the goals set at this conference.

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