More than 300,000,000 pounds, 100 equipped vehicles and 100 motorized vehicles for the residents of Shendi to support the security plan, and the locality's executive director confirms that Shendi will remain strong against the rebels.

The Executive Director of Shindi Locality, Mr. Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, praised the great role of the people of Shindi as they competed to support and support the armed forces, he said in his speech to the large gathering of the people of Shindi. to support the security plan, which resulted in support of more than 300/000/000 million pounds, 100 vehicles equipped with all combat means, and 100 motorized with the support of exhibitors, traders, companies, factories and all sectors of society, in the presence of Major General Omar Al-Sir, Second Commander of the Third Infantry Division, Brigadier General Adel Al-Afandi, Chairman of the Alert Committee and the Local Security Committee, the Deputy Superintendent of Al-Jaaliyin, and a number of local officials. symbols and leaders. The Executive Director said that the large turnout in this gathering and their solidarity in supporting the war effort and supporting the armed forces contribute significantly to ensuring security and stability in the locality. Khaled added that the security services will remain a vigilant eye and will firmly confront anyone who tries to enter Shendi, stressing that the joint forces are working day and night to maintain the security and stability of the locality. The Executive Director spoke about their efforts to establish security and stability.

While Major General Omar Al-Sir, Second Commander of the Third Infantry Division in Shindi, praised the great support that the people of Shindi continue to give to the armed forces, Omar stressed that the armed forces do not allow the dismantling of the Sudanese people and the erasure of the national identity. He highlighted the great victories that the armed forces continue to achieve and their progress in all axes, promising a great victory for the armed forces.

While the head of the alert committee, Brigadier General Adel Al-Afandi, indicated that the joint force was ready to defend the locality and the Nile State, and said that the joint force was working day and night to maintain the security and stability of the locality.

A number of speakers in Al-Nafra affirmed their full commitment to supporting and assisting the joint force, stressing their willingness to bear arms and fight alongside the armed forces on the front lines.

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