Abu Al-Zift!! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

It can be said that the American air (heart) !! He became critical of Jinja after the statements of the American special envoy when he said: There is no future for rapid support in Sudan, and the army is an institution with a history in Sudan. The American statement is undoubtedly a great loss and. disappointment for the Jinja, and a frown appeared on the faces of the chat room owners! The politicians who wander around the capitals of the various countries are a new disappointment for the progress of the political wing of the militia because the statement is not desired by their ships that sail every time in rough seas and only reap the rain that flows behind them. and the seaweed that slides!

The American statement, whatever its form, is a gain for the Sudanese army, in which the United States seems to have changed much of its impression because it is an army that fought professionally and its members committed to respecting what international law stipulates during the process of war, they did not kill innocent people and did not defile a city by stealing, looting, raping or humiliating its inhabitants. Jinja also did it through its mercenaries and its supporters among the population, its supporters, who have no goal. except (transgression) and the acquisition of forbidden money, which when they see it, they drool and run after it, and then the devil urinates in their heads, marveling at their actions, and stretches his legs laughing while moving!!

The victories and cases of advanced penetration that the armed forces won in the last two days on the western axes of Omdurman in the Mansoura plateau, Karur and Souq Libya, and the opening that took place in the western parts of Umm Baghdad have confused the calculations of the militia. They did not expect this step because of the powerful focal arsenal that it had created there, and they thought that it was very difficult for the Greens to break it. This open step undoubtedly destroyed those of them, took out the prisoners, seized heavy equipment, and most importantly…. Full insurance for engineers Throughout the war, Jinja tried to invade these areas because of the growth of these areas.

The expansion of the Janja in the Sennar regions, from a military point of view, is considered a suicidal move with a kind of stupid insistence on falling into the trap with a swallowing tongue. Now they are disoriented by the interruption of supplies and the lack of movement due to the rainy autumn conditions that hinder their movement and leave a strong opportunity for the Sudanese army to carry out a proper and deadly capture.

From my platform I look… where I see… that there is no white or black thread that can be seen to determine whether the army is negotiating with the Jinja? The clouds and the black and dark clouds prevent this. The people do not accept the Janja in a political future to come. Whoever fought among them and supported and embraced them politically is considered by the Sudanese people as their enemy because he is the one who was harmed by the theft of their property and caused their displacement and suffering. And every victorious step of their armed forces is a declaration that says: Abu Asphalt… ahead!

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