The King Salman Center and the Department of Social Affairs are spreading joy among the residents of the shelters… and the distribution of health bags in the shelters is a remarkable humanitarian effort.

🟢 Shindi locality witnessed tangible humanitarian activity through the cooperation of the Department of Social Affairs with the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center. The health kit was distributed to several shelters, reflecting the commitment of the concerned authorities to provide support and assistance to those in need. These initiatives highlighted the importance of teamwork and cooperation between different parties to achieve humanitarian goals.

The King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid has continued to provide support to the genuinely needy through the broad participation of the needy and the affected. It has gone through stages from the first stage to the second, and its initiative continues for the good and well-being. development of Sudan. Through this initiative, it provided 1,000 health bags that were inaugurated by the municipal unit and will be moved tomorrow to other units through a solid social affairs and care management plan.

🟢 The distribution process began today, Sunday 8/4/2024, under the supervision of Ms. Howaida Al-Jazouli and Ms. Zahia Othman, and an integrated work team was carried out by the Department of Social Affairs in the locality of Shendi, where this important event was successfully organized. 🟢 This effort is a big step towards improving the living conditions of many affected families.

🟢 The Shendi Locality Social Welfare Department plays a central role in organizing and coordinating the humanitarian work. It has prepared a comprehensive action plan to ensure that the health program is delivered to beneficiaries in an organized and efficient manner. The administration's role includes planning ahead and selecting appropriate sites for distribution to ensure that aid reaches as many people in need as possible. This requires great efforts and cooperation with local authorities and civil society.

🟢 Through this work, the administration reflects its real commitment to achieving social development and improving the quality of life in the locality.

🟢 The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center is one of the main contributors to humanitarian aid in Sudan. Its activity reflects the commitment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to respond to the needs of brotherly countries in times of crisis. Through strategic partnerships with local authorities, the Center seeks to maximize the impact of the aid provided. The Center's activities in the Shendi locality demonstrate concrete measures aimed at changing the lives of beneficiaries and improving their conditions. Their continued support reflects the spirit of solidarity and chivalry in times of humanitarian crisis.

🟢 The distribution of the health kit was carefully organized according to the declarations of the accommodation committees and a precise schedule. The beneficiary accommodation centers were identified in advance to ensure that no one is excluded and with very effective and efficient measures.

🟢 Nearly 200 health bags were delivered to several centers across Nusaybah Bit Kaab School in Block 15, Sumaya Bit Al Khawas School, Al Qadisiyah School, Al Shuhada Center, and Bayoumi Center in Block 24, which contributes to meeting the basic needs of families in Block 24 centers. This operation was a great success in providing assistance to those who needed it most. The health bag included the necessary equipment that contributes to improving health care for those accommodated in the shelters.

🟢 The work team, under the supervision of Ms. Howaida Al-Jazouli and Ms. Zahia Othman, took responsibility for organizing the distribution process in an elaborate manner. The specialized teams were ready to ensure the smooth running of the procedures and a fair distribution of the bags. The distribution process was clearly transparent, which led the beneficiaries to express their thanks and gratitude to the organizers. These efforts demonstrate the commitment of humanitarians to provide support to those in need, in a transparent and fair manner. Good organization helps to build the trust of communities in the guarantors.

The security authorities of the Military Intelligence Service and the National Intelligence Service played a central and fundamental role in the success of the health kit distribution process. They helped ensure efficiency and ensure public safety during the distribution. In addition, the volunteer administrative committees of the centers played a vital role in the success of this event. With their support and cooperation with the Department of Social Affairs, they demonstrated their dedication and efforts to achieve humanitarian goals. This cooperation reflects the spirit of teamwork and demonstrates the ability of the local community to organize and succeed in humanitarian initiatives.

There is a Shendi National Secondary School Center, which is considered one of the largest local shelters. About 350 hygiene bags were distributed in an atmosphere dominated by a spirit of gratitude.

🟢 We must extend our sincere thanks to the donors, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center. Their continued support has had a profound impact on the lives of many people in Sudan. The continued efforts and generous contributions reflect their commitment to stand with the Sudanese people in times of adversity. We hope that this cooperation will continue in the future to improve the humanitarian situation in the region. Our deepest thanks and gratitude to the supporters for their appreciated efforts and sustained donations.

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