Behind the American soft landing…. So why insist on Geneva..?!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

After hovering over the situation in Sudan for more than a year and taking a closer position (in collusion) with the rebel militias, America has finally understood the importance of a “soft landing” on the ground as the militia approaches (the end) and the army maintains (the superiority) in the battle. The American envoy, Tom Perillo, He does not hesitate to (recognize), as is self-evident, that the history of the militia is linked to genocide and ethnic conflicts. cleansing in Darfur, and he recognizes the army as an institution with its own history in Sudan and that there is no future for the militias on its soil. As for Blinken, the American Secretary of State, he also (telephones) Al-Burhan and. announces the American (recognition) of him (president) of the Sovereignty Council and the use of this official power to address him… well America… because better late than never and recognition is a desirable (virtue)… but despite this, an important question arises… what is behind this (sudden change) of the American position with regard to the situation in Sudan…?!!*

*It is certain that America has its internal and external (calculations), both apparent and (internal), while the apparent part is (the exposure) of the crimes of the militias around the world, which leaves America no room (for maneuver or distortion) in the face of the truth, and the arrival of American weapons for the rebellion puts it in the position of accusing it (of its support) for it then of its (participation) in its crimes, even if the weapons have not been handed over (hand to hand), then the involvement of its allies in fueling the war, and its conviction (of the failure of bets) on (the shameless dwarfism) of a party claiming to be civil, then (a scandal escaping the implementation of the Jeddah Decisions (as a mediator) and refraining from (condemning) the rebellion… As for the interior, there is a shift of public opinion towards the rebellion, and the emergence of voices condemning it. This is the “apparent embarrassment” that besieges America, accompanied by unstated “concerns” about the rebellion, the American elections, its (confusion) policy on other international and regional issues in the Middle East, and its (support) for the genocidal war waged in Gaza by Israel against the Palestinians..!!

*From these data that besiege America internally and externally, it is clear that it considers the Geneva platform as one of the “lifelines” that can contribute to “whitening its face” in front of international and local opinion… and understands that there is no way for it to stand and succeed without the participation of Sudan as a party injured by the aggression (unmasked) This is (the objective) that it hopes, explains (to change) its position towards Sudan..but. .it is not easy for her to (restore herself) before the Sudanese people because of (the history) of her relations with them, which are full of (traps), lack of clarity and (aggression) both apparent and hidden.. Therefore, (caution) regarding the American position seems important at this (point) so that Sudan does not fall into a cleverly laid (American trap), and as long as America has so far refused to issue a (clear condemnation) of the rebellion while labeling it a (terrorist organization), it becomes difficult to (believe) and digest the good intentions that you are (apparently) now showing towards Sudan, and keep (present doubts) about transferring the chair from Jeddah to Geneva, as if the place is more important than the (demands) of Sudan that were agreed in Jeddah..!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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