The path to Geneva is made by national sovereignty! ✍️ Rashan O'Shea

Because we live in Sudan and are immersed in its crises, which are the focal point of the flash, it seemed to me that sudden transformations had become the rule and expectations based on dominant calculations were the exception.

Throughout the war against Sudan, and in its most intense and ferocious chapters, the world has become accustomed to seeing it and interacting with its developments with the theory of the “tiger and the victim.” pounces, and a feverish race is taking place between the attempts to contain it and tame it under the old roofs that still function today. The Americans still use the carrot and stick theory here.

The Americans put pressure on the Sudanese army to submit to the militias and bring them back to power in different ways. They did not even provide the weapon of sanctions. They exhausted all the pressure cards. The last of them was the language in which they were invited to do so. Geneva was formulated, it addressed “Al-Burhan” as the commander of the army and not as the president of the country, and they expected him to submit. The generals were rushing to Geneva, but the reality was the opposite of their expectations.

The surprises that changed the game. While America thought it was the producer and investor of surprises, the Sudanese government's response to Geneva's invitation was a surprise summed up in five points:

First: Why was the invitation sent in the name of General Al-Burhan without the title of President of the Sovereignty Council? Is this considered a non-recognition of the government in place?

Second: Why was Sudan not consulted about the mediators, some of whom support rebel militias?

Third: Why were the results of the agreement in principle not implemented in Jeddah?

Fourth: Any agreement other than the Jeddah agreement in principle, which stipulates the evacuation of civilian property and citizens' homes, will not be acceptable to the Sudanese people.

Fourth: Before calling for new negotiations, support for rebel militias must cease.

Fifth: The Sudanese government does not refuse to participate in negotiations, but these must be based on the above, and before entering into negotiations, the US government must sit down with the Sudanese government to listen to its observations.

This was the response of the Transitional Sovereignty Council to the call of “Geneva”, a position that prompted the United States to switch from the theory of the stick to the carrot, then “Bleiken” called President “Burhan” and informed him of their policy. recognition of his government and that the Geneva discussions would be based on a Jeddah agreement and also informed him of its acceptance of the bilateral meeting between the governments of Sudan and the United States, Blinken suggested. The meeting will take place outside Sudan, and the Sudanese side suggested that the meeting take place in “Jeddah”.

Surprise of surprises, the clear success achieved through the operation that struck our Western interests in the head was the intense Eastern diplomatic activity in Sudan over the past week, starting with the visit of the Russian delegation and not ending with the visit of the Foreign Minister to “Iran.”

In the parallel world, the militias are suffering on the battlefields, where the hemorrhage of leaders has not stopped and they lose a leader every day in Darfur, Al-Jazeera and Omdurman. What is surprising is that the “Daglo” do not demonstrate any influence, but rather stubbornness, arrogance and a constant effort to change the equations, without carefully considering the possibilities.

The position of the Sudanese government was principled, because it was tired of false American promises and saw that its strategic interests were in the East, and it took serious steps in this direction, which of course terrifies the Americans, as the Sudanese do. -This time, the Eastern alliance will expand deep into the Red Sea, and Russian bases will become a reality, not a maneuver. Therefore, Blinken quickly agreed to all the conditions of the Sudanese government, which is the last attempt to save American interests in Sudan. , but in my opinion, he lost (the sword preceded the defenseless).

My love and respect

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