Governor of Kassala State…Beja People's Initiative in Public Service for Community Peace ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

The Beja People's Civil Service Initiative for Community Peace has achieved the most important objectives for which it was established, namely securing positions and occupying leadership positions in Kassala State.

The initiative's leaders managed to contain the governor of Kassala State, General Ma'ash Al-Sadiq Al-Azraq, and convince him to appoint some of the initiative's leaders to high administrative positions.

Among the most important leadership positions is the appointment of members of the initiative as executive directors of some localities in Kassala State, including Administrative Officer Idris Muhammad Ali Madawi as Executive Director of Kassala Locality, Administrative Officer Muhammad Taher Shaibah as Executive Director of Khashm al-Qarya Locality, and the distribution of the remaining members of the initiative in several administrative positions.

The leaders of the Beja Sons Initiative within the Civil Service for Community Peace outwardly brandish the slogan of peaceful coexistence and strengthening the social fabric among the Beja people, while inwardly their aim is to fight for power, share the pie and pursue narrow personal interests.

They have been creative in achieving their goals through various means. They do not care about social peace or anything else. Their first and last concern is to secure their interests and expand their gains. Whenever their interests are harmed, they brandish the sword of power. the tribe and they are oppressed. They raise their voice and intimidate the decision maker (if there is one), and when they get what they want, they have another conversation.

General Al-Sadiq Al-Azraq, Governor of Kassala State, has been appointed as the governor of all the people of Kassala, regardless of their political and ethnic affiliations. You must keep the same distance from all, so do not side with one party against the other.

One of the achievements of the initiative is to bring together the chief of all the Hadandawa tribes and the chief of all the Banu tribes, Amer, in a formal, decorative and aesthetic reconciliation. Despite my firm belief, there is no personal problem between them, and Mu'awiyah's hair was not cut between them.

The leaders of the initiative repeat a slogan without an alternative: “Our differences have deprived us of our share of power and wealth, and each time they tell us: 'Come on, reconcile and come to us so that we can give you your right to power and wealth.

After this formal reconciliation between the observers, what gains has the human Beja gained??? Where are the huge development projects allocated to the regions of Beja??? And where and where and where…

The crown prince of loud slogans and false promises no longer deceives the citizen whom life has taught him to manage the affairs of his life. All the false masks have fallen, the faces have been removed and the naked truth has appeared.

The problem of Eastern Sudan is not the lack of economic or human resources. Its problem is only those who speak in its name and claim to be leaders whose only concern is to serve the people of the East, and the East among them was innocent of the problem. the blood of the wolf.

He who practices deception and deceit against himself is impossible to be an honest leader with the people, and he who defends his own interests is not trustworthy to safeguard the interests of the people.

My advice to the Governor of Kassala State, General Maash Al-Sadiq Al-Azraq, is that you always have the opportunity to choose a good ally who will encourage you to do good and avoid evil. This requires that your chest and heart are in good shape. open to all, without discrimination or discrimination.

Kassala State has honest and dedicated people who work in silence and away from the limelight. Their first and last concern is the development of Kassala.

Following the decision of the Governor of Kassala State to create the Ministry of Social Affairs, will the next Minister of this Ministry also be one of the leaders of the Beja Sons Initiative for Community Peace????.

It appears that the leaders of the initiative have abandoned consideration of the application for membership in the Sovereignty Council, left the federal ministerial portfolios and limited themselves to local positions in Kassala State.


A question comes to my mind: have the promises of the traders and businessmen of Kassala State to support the armed forces been fulfilled??? Has the committee, headed by the distinguished Sheikh Abu Amna Karjo, succeeded in fulfilling its obligations to pay 16 trillion pounds to support the armed forces during the battle of Karama?????.

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