The first meeting of the Autumn and Flood Emergency Committee Hall was held in the locality of Dalqo

Last night, the first meeting of the Autumn Emergency Committee hall was held in the locality of Dalqo, chaired by the executive director of the locality and head of the committee, Mr. Mudassir Sharaf al-Din, and in the presence of the committee's rapporteur, the director of the civil protection police of the locality, Captain Muhammad Ali, and the members of the committee composed of the directors of units and departments of the locality and the representative of the Red Crescent Society.

The meeting discussed the progress of works in the areas affected by torrents following the rains of the last few days, particularly the regions of Jeddi, Mishkila and Ibsara.

For his part, the executive director of the locality of Dalqo said that a detailed report was presented to the committee and the interventions that took place during the previous days following the torrents and rains in several areas of the locality, stressing the rapid intervention and response in all the affected areas, the most recent of which was the torrential rains that swept the areas of Gedi, Barja and Mishkeel with a special team unit in Kilo (575) of the Dongola Halfa road, in addition to kilometer (587) and kilometer (591), which were subject to heavy flooding. The necessary field visits were carried out to determine the progress of the work, which is progressing well in draining the waters of the Nile and Khor Hadrab, and in the Kajbar area. The West Bank was also partially damaged, noting that the locality and the units are on standby and to intervene at any time and in any circumstances. We call on citizens to report floods, rains and any threats to the villages, to report to the chambers of administrative units and the hall in the locality for the notification and emergency numbers that will be distributed to the villages and sheikhs, hoping that this autumn will be one of goodness and growth.

For his part, the rapporteur of the committee and the director of the Civil Protection Police of the locality said that the meeting discussed the autumn emergency in the locality and the provisions and works that have been carried out, stressing that some areas have been affected by torrents and rains. , such as the Ibasara area, where the road has been cut and requires technical treatments, and the treatment will be carried out immediately with an island solution, testifying to the importance of the road for the region. In the Gedi area, the roofs of thirteen. of the houses collapsed, with varying damage in some houses. Interventions have been carried out using pumps to extract the water, and the Civil Protection forces have been present in the area for three days and the work is almost finished.

It is worth noting that the houses affected by the torrents and rains in the locality were (41) houses

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