The Governor of the Nile meets with the leaders of the Nourab region in the locality of Matama and appreciates the sacrifices and initiatives of the people of the region and confirms that their demands are rights that must be implemented.

Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdul Majid Abu Qarun, appointed governor of the Nile, praised the struggles and generosity of a human being and citizen of the Nourab region in the locality of Al-Matma. This came during his meeting with a delegation of leaders. and symbols of the region, in the presence and participation of Engineer Samir Saeed, Minister of Infrastructure of the State, Professor Ahmed Hamid, Minister of Education of the State, and Professor Mubarak Idris, Executive Director of the locality of Al-Mattama and. Mr. Ahmed Othman, Legal Advisor to the Governor of the Nile

The Governor stressed that the Nourab region is one of the oldest historical regions that has a long history of national action and its active participation in all the programs of the nation and its active contribution to the defense of the nation, especially in the battle of dignity, and the pressure of the people of the region to enlist in the camps of dignity and advance to defend the land and honor, noting that the region received a large number of immigrants to the state and the locality of Al-Matma following the events of the rebellion it is necessary to provide them with all support, stressing that the demands presented by the people of the region in terms of water, education and other services are rights that must be implemented and are at the heart of the role of the government and the state towards the The Governor ordered the Ministry of Infrastructure to accelerate the implementation of the construction of a well for drinking water and supply it with solar energy strips. He also ordered the ministry to conduct a study on the special needs and costs of rehabilitation and maintenance of girls' secondary school in the region. He made a valued contribution by honoring the educator of several generations, Mr. Abdul Rahman Abdullah Al-Mubarak, Director of Al-Nourab Joint Secondary School, who retired after a life full of gifts in the teaching profession and In his hands are many generations who now have a clear and abundant share in public work inside and outside the country.

For their part, the brothers in the delegation expressed their thanks and appreciation to the governor, ministers and the executive director of the locality of Al-Mattama for their full interaction with the problems and concerns of the citizens and residents of the region and their prompt response and response to find a solution to everything they proposed, stressing the position of all the people of the region with the armed forces that provide for the homeland, land and honor, and who are on alert to provide more martyrs. and the mujahideen until the entire country is freed from the filth of the rebel militias and mercenaries.

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