The Battle for Tolerance – A Whale's Spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

* Countries are not built by settling personal scores, by uncertain opposition, by betrayal or by throwing oneself into the arms of a foreigner. Homelands are built by determination, perseverance and acceptance of the other and by applying the slogans launched in the territory. anchored in reality so that meanings and values ​​flow and live among the people far from exclusion, and whoever commits a mistake against the homeland and the citizen must He must be brought to justice to receive the punishment of the same type of work, even if he is hanged in the public square, justice must be like death, never excluding anyone. Men must not be discouraged and divided into sects and parties, all of which fail to manage a single nation that can accommodate everyone in truth and truth.

*The Sudanese citizen has the right to demand civilian rule and democratic transformation, and the army must exercise its role specified in the text of the constitution. We all agree that the army should not govern in a normal situation, especially after the Sudanese people have been liberated. capable of overthrowing the regime of former President Omar Al-Bashir, knowing that the people are the main and final signatory in choosing what they will govern through the electoral fund under a fully elected government, and since the constitutional document stipulates the transitional period. with a government of national competences that works to prepare the political climate for elections leading to civilian rule*.

*Sudanese politicians neglect the gains and sacrifices of the people, prioritizing their partisan and personal interests over the interests of the nation and the citizen. It can be said that these are the politicians who stole the October 1964 revolution and the Rajab Ramadan revolution of April 1985, and here they are repeating the same scenario by stealing the December 2018 revolution, practicing political prostitution, trading in the blood of martyrs and the tears of their mothers, and extorting hate speech with all its hateful and destructive meanings. , does not build, does not divide, does not unite, and in addition to this and that, they exaggerate by sowing the seeds of division and diaspora*.

*The battle that awaits all components of Sudanese society is the battle of tolerance and overcoming wounds, returning to the right path and expanding the means of tolerance, patience and perseverance, knowing that there is a group whose interest is to continue the process of political and social tension, while the silent majority of sectors of society observe and evaluate what is happening in the country and know full well that every beginning has an end, even if it takes time, and that the challenge remains in the will of everyone to wage the battle of tolerance, forgiveness and beautiful forgiveness to cross the country towards safety or fire*.

Half a fork

*It is better to have a homeland that unites us in love and affection than to see our blood shed and our homes demolished and to sign with our own hands the death certificate of our homeland. How cruel it is for a person to watch over his own. the homeland burns in the hands of his children.*

A quarter of a fork

*My country, even if it is unjust to my relatives, even if it is hostile to my honorable people*.

(email protected)

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