We Are All One Army – A Sphere Symposium on the Geneva Negotiations Between Rejection and Acceptance {Reasons and Gains}

The group *We are all one army* on WhatsApp organized a Sphere symposium on *The Geneva negotiations between rejection and acceptance {reasons and gains}* The symposium was opened by the group's supervisor, Ali Shams Al-Falah, who pointed out that the group “We are all one army” on WhatsApp organized a Sphere symposium on *The Geneva negotiations between rejection and acceptance {reasons and gains}*. The Geneva negotiations are one of the most important international attempts to resolve the ongoing war between the Sudanese army and supporting militias. Al-Sari'i Al-Mutamirah said that these negotiations carry great hopes for achieving peace and stability. At the same time, these negotiations must be an extension of the results of the Jeddah platform determined by the Sudanese army. The members of the group discussed the discussions in a great spirit of patriotism and complete impartiality, and the deliberations resulted in comprehensive results. . I agree. There are traders and that?

Before proceeding to Geneva, practical steps should be taken in good faith by the United States of America, as follows:

1- Condemn Rapid Support and classify it as a terrorist organization and declare its leaders as war criminals. This condemnation is followed by practical decisions to sever relations with countries that sponsor this terrorism, including the Evil Emirate, while imposing economic sanctions. it does so with all countries that it considers to be supporting terrorism.

2- Implement the Jeddah agreement if the rebellion wants to achieve peace.

3- Hold the UAE directly responsible for the situation in Sudan and require it to fully compensate and repair all damages incurred.

4- If America does this, there is no need for Geneva, and if it does not do this, there is no need for Geneva, because we all know the promises of America, which are more false than the promise of Arqoub.

🎯 Reasons to accept negotiations

There were several reasons why some parties agreed to participate in the Geneva negotiations:

1- *Search for peace*: For many Sudanese, the negotiations represent a real opportunity to end this war which has exhausted the country and led to the deterioration of humanitarian and economic conditions.

🎯 Reasons for rejecting negotiations

On the other hand, there are those who refuse to participate in the Geneva negotiations for several reasons:

1- The Rapid Support Militia seeks to publicly recognize its control over the places where it is stationed and to prevent the army from entering them, which allows it to escape the obligation to leave citizens' homes and civilian installations, thus gaining its control over them and expelling citizens.

2- The militia is preparing to share power and wealth and obtain other privileges.

3- The militia seeks to force the army to accept the entry of aid through the rebel areas, and this has many, important and dangerous dimensions, because supplies of people, weapons and other things are introduced into the militia.

4- If what the militias aspire to is achieved through the Geneva Accords, it means prolonging the war, exhausting citizens, impoverishing them, humiliating them and displacing them. Therefore, we are against participating in negotiations led by the countries involved, and even capable of starting the war and continuing it, like the United Arab Emirates, which is responsible for it, and America is nothing less than that, so how can we take care of ourselves?

5- The external agenda: There is a fear of foreign interference in the negotiations which would lead to imposing solutions that are inappropriate for Sudan.

🎯 There are reasons for acceptance, which are the following?

Despite the challenges and divergent positions, the Geneva negotiations hold potential gains:

1- *Ceasefire*: Negotiations can help reach a ceasefire agreement, paving the way for reconstruction and the provision of humanitarian assistance as the armed forces deem appropriate.

2- * Achieving political stability * Negotiations can lead to the establishment of a new political framework that ensures a more equitable distribution of power and strengthens the participation of all parties who have contributed to freeing the nation from the filth of paid agents and traitors.

3- *Strengthen international relations*

The success of the negotiations could lead to an improvement in Sudan's image on the international stage, which would help attract foreign investment.

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