A brainstorming meeting between the locality of Al-Dabba and a delegation of international and national organizations to improve the situation of expatriates

The Acting Executive Director, Mr. Al-Hassan Ibrahim Hamid, met this morning with a delegation of international and national organizations, in the presence of the representative of the Humanitarian Aid Commission, the coordinator of state organizations, the representative of the governor of Darfur region in the state, Mayor Al-Tahir, the Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid in the locality, the representative of the General Intelligence Service, the director of health affairs and the director of the Sudanese Red Crescent providing services and supporting expatriates and. develop a mechanism in coordination and cooperation with the locality of Al-Dabbah, taking into account the standards of humanitarian work in a number of areas, including cash and in-kind support, which is represented in food, shelter and health baskets, nutrition, environmental sanitation, education and development, legal aid, childcare and reproductive health.

The representatives of the organizations affirmed their strong position, interest and cooperation in supporting the expatriates in the locality of Al-Dabba. The directors of the departments of the locality also welcomed the ambassadors of humanity and volunteer work, expressing their joy at the support of the organizations to the locality. expatriates in the locality.

Acting Executive Director and Head of the Accommodation Committee, Al-Hassan Ibrahim Hamed, addressed the participants, welcoming them and praising the generous visit, thanking and appreciating the role of the organizations, emphasizing the local need for this, explaining the aspect of accommodation, which has reached more than 600 families, which increases every hour with arrivals from Sinja, Sennar and Darfur, highlighting the low coverage for families in need of urgent support for expatriates, noting that there are families that are not yet covered by the accompaniment, which requires the intervention and urgent response of the organizations.

The representative of the governor of Darfur region also praised the cooperation and great response of the brothers of Al-Dabba locality in particular and the people of the northern state in general, thanking the executive director of the locality, his deputy and the leader of the popular resistance for their honorable support and concern for the arrivals from Darfur. The meeting also discussed the urgency of the autumn and the need to take precautions against the problems and diseases of the autumn.

In conclusion, the delegation visited the local accommodation centres to determine on the ground the needs of the arrivals, highlighting their efforts to provide the necessary assistance.

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