Shendi: Drinking water stations resume service after hours of shutdown due to rain

A number of drinking water stations have resumed operation after being shut down due to heavy rains in Shendi city and its northern regions on Thursday night, averaging over a hundred millimeters.

Engineer Walid Mahjoub, director of Shendi Water, said that a number of drinking water filling stations in several squares 22, 21, 12 and 24 as well as the Sports House were out of service due to the rain.

Engineer Walid Mahjoub said that the work team was able to maintain and operate the stations affected by rainwater within a short period of time, not exceeding twenty hours.

Shindi Water was able to supply water to the city and its suburbs, especially during the summer season, which faced challenges such as power cuts for hours at stations, increased pressure on water consumption due to the large number of arrivals due to the war, and the widespread proliferation of multi-purpose shops in large and small markets.

Shendi locality has been working to establish new stations and rehabilitate old ones, in addition to networking operations to ensure water supply to all citizens.

The photo shows Shindi locality executive director Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh standing on the ground at the Twenty Square water station and receiving a report from engineer Walid Mahjoub from inside the station during the past summer.

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