Negotiation and Targeted Goals – The Session is a Homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shandi

I extend my greetings to all my compatriots who stood firm in the face of the flames of war that erupted as part of an external conspiracy plan led by the evil state and the forces of world imperialism, in which the terrorist Daglo militia and its impudent agents used the embassy spies as tools to implement the plan.

Today, after the failure of the policy of fait accompli and the implementation of the evil plan poisoned by war, they are seeking to negotiate after the failure of the previous rounds, the most famous of which took place in Jeddah due to the failure of the implementation of what had been agreed by the barbarian Hemedti militia.

This time, the negotiation was demanded by America just after the failure of the appeals of some of its allies in this matter. It is a terrifying scarecrow for the shameless militia, but in reality it is one of the parties of the world powers after the lady. The world was the one that had the command and the ban. After the alliances that were concluded, the world became between two parties, with one in command and Russia in the other.

America's goal in the Geneva negotiations, in which it is certainly defending its interests, is to block the path of the other party, Russia, which is managing agreements that have reached the stage of an agreement with Sudan to establish a base in the Red Sea. The issue of stopping the war in Sudan is also a winning card that is being used in the American electoral race both to serve its clients and to protect its allies in the region and beyond. Finally, to embellish its image and remind the world that it is the only woman for whom a thousand accounts must be made.

As for the people of my village, they left behind an insolent militia whose purpose was to show their masters that they had succeeded in their role, which required them to play the role of weevils by gnawing at the body of the nation in order to subjugate and subjugate it, by entering the fold of the new world colonialism, as well as finding a place for themselves on the post-war stage in order to continue implementing the rest of the world's evil plan.

In the negotiations, our goal, people and army, is not to abandon national constants, nor to impose anything that undermines the dignity and pride of the nation and its people, while recognizing all the violations and inhumane practices committed against the Sudanese people. have taken place, and legal reprisals for those who committed them, by submitting to fair trials and compensation to rebuild the devastation that has struck at the public or private level from all countries that have continued to provide logistical support and weapons to the militias or have hosted them. meetings between him and Qaht

Therefore, the whole world should know that after this war, Sudan will have a new face in foreign and international relations.

I conclude by saying that the choice of the date of the Geneva negotiations is not a coincidence or a coincidence. August 14 coincides with the anniversary of the Sudanization of the armed forces in 1954 AD. It is therefore the pride of all zealous patriotic Sudanese, and we will not submit them and we will not submit ourselves in order to return to the fold of the new world colonialism.

A delegation of negotiators has gone to meet the Americans in Jeddah, which is a proactive step by America to convince Sudan of the Geneva negotiations. As for our delegation, it is a sounding board and a reading of the American proposal that it is examining, as we have done. explained its interests, so we must at this stage deal with them in the language that they understand and in which they deal with their interests, and perhaps the American model of submission. Sudan now has the best witness and the best proof of that.

Sudan, its leaders and its people are in the heart of one man to clean the soil of his dear homeland from the filth and filth of the rebel Hemeti militia and its assistants from the rest of the shameless agents and spies. There is no negotiation. it deviates from that in this point, with our reiteration to maintain national sovereignty and not harm the dignity and pride of Sudan and its people. This is a message that we convey to any negotiation delegation, except the one He left for Jeddah or Geneva if. he went

Tomorrow the sun of victorious victory will rise, spreading throughout all parts of the Sudan, which will rejoice the patient and steadfast people of the cause and patriotism, and all those who sold the country and betrayed its people will be afflicted. except to erect gallows in the public squares to be a warning and a lesson to those who contemplate it…

Your victory, O Lord, for our armed forces, our regular services and the Mujahideen. May God accept the martyrs and heal the wounded. Return the absent to their families, safe and sound, O Lord of the worlds.

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