Bass Al-Sawaed – Popular Resistance and Resilience of Sudan ✍️ Section by Mr. Abdel-Wahab

In the name of God the most merciful, the most merciful

✍️ Deputy for Police Pensions, Mr. Abdel Wahab

The popular resistance is a societal force born from the belly of the people. It works in times of war and peace. It has principles and a unified will that shapes the future of Sudan. It participates in the war of dignity, whether with weapons, money, or men and women. Their role is increasing and they have clear footprints in it, because this war, despite its bitterness, is… It united the Sudanese people and sectors of society and united them in the heart of one man, above their hateful political, partisan, tribal and ethnic affiliations and protecting themselves, their honor and their property under the supervision of the armed forces (there is no alternative to the armed forces except the armed forces)

The support of the popular resistance to its armed forces has had a good effect in mobilizing the determination of the community, appreciating the slogan “one army, one people.”

The popular resistance, although new, was born with force in July last year, when this name was given to it by His Excellency the President of the Sovereignty Council, and to mobilize the masses to stand behind their armed forces, and all the states of Sudan and its localities adopted this work, and the Northern State had a precedent in its formation when the governor issued the mandate. The Northern Governorate issued its decision live on the 17th of last Ramadan, on the occasion of the night of Ramadan. Badr al-Kabri, to form the popular resistance composed of senior generals of the armed forces and other security services who have accumulated experience in military work, especially in military tactics and skills. In addition to military leaders, the resistance includes popular leaders and those who have administrative and financial capabilities and those with experience in institutional work. This is under the supervision of the Governor of the Northern State, Mr. Abdeen Awad Muhammad, and they are: –

1/Team of Engineer Saleh Yas Saleh, leader of the Popular Resistance, Northern State

2/ Major General Dr Abdul Rahman Faqiri, Vice President

3/ Mr. Dhul-Nourain Nasr al-Din Ahmed, lawyer, rapporteur

The above system has begun its work to complete the formation of structures at all levels with the formation of the popular resistance military sector composed of officers and the training of local leaders of senior generals under the supervision of the executive directors of the localities. great achievements in defeating the rebellion and preventing it from entering the state and harming its lands and people, including:

1/ Formation of Lieutenant General Mutawakkil Siddiq Brigade in the state with all its military equipment including vehicles and soldiers

2/ Qualify the Al-Salim camp as a training camp, while providing everything necessary

3/ Formation of 22 strategic battalions having received extensive training in heavy weapons, urban warfare and precision shooting

4/ Close coordination with the armed forces and other regular agencies

5/ Dig a protective trench across the entire length and width of the State

On the social level, teams have been formed to participate in civil support and to face the torrents and rains in the neighborhoods and villages and provide aid and support to those affected.

Greetings and gratitude to these men who work in silence and offer themselves at little cost for this dear country.

Victory to our armed forces, our security forces, our police and our rally forces as they strive to cleanse the country of the filth of this oppressive militia. Forgiveness and mercy for the martyrs and return of the missing.

God's victory and conquest are near

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