White Nile Water Director General: New Kosti Water Plant to be Back in Service as Soon as Buck Equipment Arrives

White Nile Water Director General: The new Kosti water station should be put back into operation as soon as the materials arrive.

Engineer Rahma: We have restored the service on the old network and it covers 60% of the city of Kosti.

“We reassure citizens that we have some quantity of Pak in Port Sudan and the government is working to expel them immediately.”

The Director General of Water in White Nile State, Engineer Rahma Al-Imam Hammad, announced that there was a shortage of water in the city of Kosti after the new Kosti water plant “JICA” was temporarily out of service. The main reason for the new plant’s outage is due to the lack of PAC water purification equipment. He added: We have quantities of it in Port Sudan, and the current conditions and developments on the ground prevented it from arriving on time. He went on to say that the network is determined to work with the purifying substance polyammonium chloride, which caused it to be out of service.

Rahma said in limited press statements that the lack of buckwheat has led to some areas of Kosti being affected by a water shortage, noting that the old station was put back into service and provided 18,000 cubic meters, while the Boy Scouts network provides 5,000 meters. , and currently 60% of Kosti. The city has water services. Engineer Rahma Al-Imam said that efforts are being made by the state governor, Omar Al-Khalifa, and the commander of the 18th Infantry Division, to ship the deer material from Port Sudan, and that it is expected to arrive in the coming days, and that once it arrives, the new network will be put back into service at full capacity, which is 22 thousand meters, explains the water. They requested an advance payment for the Pak material from the Kenana company, but it did not respond. He added that the doubling of the population in Kosti due to the security situation in some states has doubled the pressure on the network, leading to the use of a pump from the old network to operate alongside the new network to cover the water deficit, he continued that the situation is under control and we have reassured the citizens that the government is making all efforts to evict the Pak from Port Sudan and that full water service coverage will return soon.

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