White Nile Governor Announces Approaching Victory

White Nile State Governor Omar Al-Khalifa gave arrivals in his state the good news that their return to their homes was imminent and confirmed that victory was very close.

Meanwhile, the Kawahla Muhammadiya tribe of the state renewed its support for the armed forces against the rebel militia and its agents and agents in the battle of Karama. This came during a specific meeting of the tribe's leaders, headed by Mayor Bakhit Fadl Al. -Sayyid, with Mr. Omar Al-Khalifa Abdullah, Governor of White Nile State, at the Rabak Guest House, in the presence of a number of government officials, the Secretary General of the State Government, the Deputy Director of General Intelligence and State Security, the Secretary General of the State Zakat Office, the Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and the Director of the State General Administration of Transport and Oil included a number of expatriates from the villages of western Sennar,

The Governor of White Nile promised the arrivals that they would return home soon and that victory was near, God willing. He said that the state had received a large number of arrivals from all states of Sudan, and he congratulated Mayor Bakhit. who received a large number of members of the Kawahla Muhammadiyah tribe from Sennar and Al-Jazeera states. He added that we want the same. These leaders serve their people and communicate with all parties in order to provide them with assistance. the state relies on the civil administration to solve many of the problems faced by citizens.

The governor promised to provide all necessary facilities for farmers in West Sennar villages to catch up in the agricultural season and that the armed forces and security services will secure the agricultural projects.

For his part, Mayor Bakhit Fadl Al-Sayyid said that the purpose of the meeting was to confirm the tribe's support for the armed forces and to honor Professor Omar Al-Khalifa Abdullah, Governor of White Nile State, for his outstanding stance in support of the armed forces. and helping the armed forces and welcoming arrivals from all states due to the war. The mayor confirmed that the Kawahla Muhammadiyah tribe has determined its position. It has been clear since the declaration of war on April 15, 2023 that it is moving away from this position. until the country is cleansed of the filth of rebellion, labor and mercenary work.

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