Sudan (confused) the Americans with seven conditions and headed east ✍️ Al-Zein Kendwa

Certainly, the decision taken by the Sudanese government delegation at the consultative meeting with its American counterpart, to end the consultation cycle in Jeddah without reaching an agreement, will (confuse) the American government and all its institutions and allies as well, and will put it in a historical impasse due to its failure to drag the Sudanese state institutions to the Geneva platform (until they are forgotten and neglected). Everything that was agreed in the Jeddah platform, and in my opinion, the Geneva platform is intended to (. erase) the agreement of the Jeddah platform, of which the rapid support militia has not implemented a single condition, and its supporters at the local, regional and international levels have failed to force it to implement even a small part of it.

_ As is known, the Americans in particular (members of the Democratic Party) were under great pressure because of the time factor in the elections, but the real pressures do not stop there, but rather go beyond the need to reserve a strategic location in time on the Red Sea coast, because the world war is very close and its beginning (its spark) was the Israeli escalation after the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh and the persistent Iranian threat of an inevitable response.

The Americans know very well that they are engaged in a frantic race with Russia for control of the Red Sea coast because of its importance in the Middle East and the Horn of Africa. The Russians also know this importance, as does Sudan, because of its importance in the Middle East and the Horn of Africa. The geographical location is extremely important in this difficult time, which is why everyone is working to achieve strategic coordination with Sudan, but one of the flaws of the Americans is that they want without giving in.

The Americans know very well that Russia has ambitions to expand throughout Africa, that it wants to inherit (from the West) politically and economically, everything related to the expansion of its influence, and that it seriously wants to establish a military base on the red border. In addition to its base in the Syrian state, the conflict will therefore be very strong. There is currently something between Russia and America against Sudan. Sudan therefore seems ascetic from the Geneva tribune, and perhaps it has realized this. all its tactics aimed at evading the Jeddah agreement.

– Therefore, all that mattered to the Americans now and at that time was the need to convince the American street that they had efforts to end the conflict in Sudan and to distance Sudan from the Eastern bloc (Sudan seems to be the case of Russia). have made their decision on this controversy and are quite certain that the Americans are playing with it (politics) and want a free gift without compensation.

Therefore, Sudan has set its conditions for accepting the Geneva platform (a complete alternative to the Jeddah platform) by implementing the Jeddah agreement itself in its entirety, removing IGAD, in addition to removing the UAE and Britain from control of the Geneva platform, and adhering to the I think these requirements are logical because they were stipulated in the Jeddah agreement under the auspices of the Americans themselves. But in my opinion, its implementation will be very difficult for the Americans, because they benefit from this war by selling weapons to the Emirates, according to official reports.

The important question is why America and its allies want a new and alternative platform for the same problem and the same parties? Unless there is a desire to cancel what was previously agreed at the Jeddah platform, and the Americans and those (with them) want to find a new vision, by establishing another recognition document that improves the image of the rapid support militia after the Sudanese people rejected it because of the atrocities and crimes committed against civilians.

Thus, we can say that Sudan has (confused) the calculations of the Americans with the seven conditions, which are: fully implementing the Jeddah platform, leaving civilian objects and houses, not accepting new relief routes, withdrawing the UAE, Britain and IGAD from monitoring the Geneva platform.

In any case, we are in favor of negotiation wherever it takes place, and dialogue remains the solution to any crisis in the country, and thanks to it, wars will stop, and this damn and absurd war must stop, and it is necessary for the Sudanese – Sudanese dialogue, even if the journey is long, because the solution to the Sudanese crisis is inside, so I say to all the Sudanese political gentlemen. The commentators place their hopes in the foreigner, that the foreigner will occupy your country, and the country can only be protected by strengthening the internal front of the Sudanese society.

May you always stay safe,,,

August 11, 2024

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