Geneva with the guarantee of Jeddah! ✍️Bakri Al Madani See More

*Before we talk about the fate of the Jeddah Declaration of Principles agreement on May 11, we must pay tribute to the government's negotiating team that wrapped the rope of this agreement around the neck of the militia so tightly that it could not be broken!!*

*The signing by the militia of the Jeddah Declaration containing its recognition of the crime and its condemnation will not fall with time*!!

*No party – whoever it may be – can call for the violation of the Jeddah agreement because it aims to remove the militiamen from civilian homes and property.

*As the militia evades the implementation of the agreement, the idea remains to take it with the rope tightly wrapped around its neck towards what will achieve peace for the Sudanese people and add to the neck rope by attaching other ropes at the ends that will secure the entire body of the militia for slaughter*

*The government needs a commitment from the mediators and the presentation of a clear mechanism for the implementation of Jeddah with the launch of any new negotiations in Geneva or at any party, with a commitment to the exit/withdrawal of militias from civilian homes and assets by the end of the negotiation sessions and signing of a new agreement*

*The upcoming negotiations themselves – in Geneva or elsewhere – must be limited to the same issues as those of the Jeddah platform, namely security and humanitarian issues, and the sessions must end with clear timetables for the dismantling of the Rapid Support Militia forces.*

*The government – the army – will only be obliged to implement the new agreement – says Geneva – by guaranteeing the implementation of the Jeddah agreement*

*Above, the government made a concession to postpone the implementation of the Jeddah agreement until the new agreement – Geneva or elsewhere – and the militia guaranteed the signing of a comprehensive agreement and the safe exit of its forces from homes and residential neighborhoods*

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