Negotiation: The art of possibility with those we hate, and the desire for perfection with those we love) (4) ✍️ Ali Al-Fateh Al-Zubair

*The solution begins when we understand the problem*…

The awakening of inspiration and the questioning of lessons and facts,

Regarding the present and future of our wounded homeland, this has been and still is the case, we should reflect and review our political history, and speak about it to successive generations, an inner speech to the soul, and address in them the spirit of patriotism, and the values ​​of giving and giving to a dear homeland, which deserves to be carried in our hearts, and that we do not break and are not defeated, in the face of the storms and strong winds that attract it, looking for it. to swallow it, an easy prey, for the enemies from within and without, who will not calm down until…

It will be broken and its unity, its blood, its goodness and its land will be falsely scattered among them, through destructive projects, mechanisms and plans that begin with cultural alienation, through siege and economic warfare.

The current scenario is one of total war (intimidation, murder, rape, starvation, impoverishment, displacement and displacement).

Perhaps our current review of successive and successive courses and events is intended to enlighten the current generation, which constitutes a major obstacle to the vile ambitions of axes, countries, clans and armies bought at low prices, whose ambition, desire and eternal mythical dreams follow one another like raindrops and do not stop, whether they are awake or asleep.

They have their false dreams, and our current generations have their deserved dreams, for which they sacrificed precious lives, blood was shed, free women were raped, their livelihoods were plundered, unity was scattered, so what do they threaten after this???

As a wise man said:

I was surprised to see those who threaten the fish with drowning..!!!

They are not strong, because the strong deserve the attribute of strength only if they use it to protect the weak, support the oppressed, and speak the word of truth…

However, since the press is the fourth power in order, I am firmly and deeply convinced of the extent of the influence of the word and the letter on every rational person. This is why Almighty God has chosen to teach His servants with words, which are His own. messages and books by revelation, and God is the highest example…

About the events, which are inseparable from each other, we try in this series of articles to be as patient as possible in the narration and not to worry completely about the immediate events, because there is someone more worthy than me to quote, comment, analyze, express opinions and criticize. And among those who are at the forefront of events on social networks, newspapers and electronic platforms,

And the Zul. network is the first, most widespread and closest to the aspirations of the Sudanese people electronic media network.

The one I have the honor of being one of its writers, is filled with dozens of writers, journalists and politicians, who do not leave anything misplaced or entering without counting them in number, and behind them is a distinguished administrative staff, like a bee. house, working day and night. They spare no effort to transmit information at the moment it occurs, and to follow up and publish opinion articles at that time, tirelessly, in a grateful effort to contribute to enriching the field of knowledge and enlightenment, in all colors of politics. , social, economic and military, to get out of… This crisis, this tunnel, this ordeal and this affliction that our contemporary history has not known, and even since the creation of the Sudanese state, is an inevitable result.

Due to historical and strategic errors, intentional or not, which did not exclude and do not exclude anyone from the political parties and military governments that had the privilege and responsibility to govern.

Greetings, appreciation and demonstration to all workers of the Zoul Network.

And all friendly Sudanese, regional and international sites and platforms that interact at every moment with the reality of the situation and the course of events in order to access certain information and founded opinions…

As we navigate these events, sometimes quickly and sometimes relying a little on what is worthwhile and can be linked, from the Kingdom of Kush to the current Sovereignty Council, we openly arrive at readings and results from which we draw these errors, to avoid falling into them once this damn war is over, which has prevented many of us from doing anything that can contribute to the suffering of the grieving Sudanese people.

A philosopher said:

The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm is violent, but they never think that these dangers are a sufficient reason to stay on land.

To be continued if there is any remaining life, God willing.

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