Return of the Paris Olympics and the foundations of player selection and technical standards – Sports Letters – ✍️ Adel Suleiman Muhammad

– The most pessimistic did not expect Sudan to come out empty-handed from the Paris Olympics in 2024. Perhaps the younger athletes will understand that this participation in the Olympics is considered participation for the simple pleasure of participating. the attendance and departure booklet with honor, and thus we will have raised the Sudanese flag in the participating Arab countries and worn it. The Sudanese uniform reflects the heritage and culture of Sudan and we have at least maintained the friendship that binds us with the participants. countries, and we have proven to the world that Sudan is present in international forums despite the ongoing war and on the basis of our love, loyalty and loyalty to the homeland.

We expected the players' participation to be greater than that of the administrative delegation, and we thank God that Sudan is full of stars in all its various activities, which represent a sports center of gravity in Sudan. We do not deny our previous participation. The international forums have included many victories, achievements and podium climbs at the international, Olympic, African and Arab levels, and these facts on which no two people differ at all.

– Of course, it is certain that the war conditions had a negative impact on the failures of the Paris Olympics.

– So, in light of these above data and standards, please proceed as follows –

– Government agencies in charge of sports affairs must work diligently to rehabilitate sports facilities in safe areas. We can count on the city of Port Sudan to create a sports complex focused on sports activities in the form of an Olympic stadium. dream and the sports building, coordination is done with the State of Qatar because it has a sports infrastructure at the world level, it has stadiums ready to be installed, and this is done through a twinning and partnership contract between the two countries.

– The need for coordination between the Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Sudanese Olympic Committee and the Sovereignty Council,

– Waive disputes between the Olympic Committee, sports federations and sports clubs

– Setting up external sports preparation camps,

– Organize workshops and sessions to discuss all sports issues during which many articles are presented and new recommendations and visions that will develop and promote sports, in addition to discussing the positive and negative points of participating in the Paris Olympic Games and removing barricades and obstacles that hinder the progress and success of sports.

– The need to review the general principles, norms and standards for the selection of competent players and technical preparation,

– Allocate a significant budget to sport in Sudan,

– Establish a higher coordination council bringing together the greatest skills and expertise in the field of sport and various sporting activities,

*May you always be proud of your homeland*

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