The next generation, the generation riding on the head – a whale spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*17/12/2018 A part of the youth of the city of Damazin came out to protest against the regime of former President Omar al-Bashir, followed on the second day by the cities of Atbara, Dongola and Meroe on 19/12. /2018, the three cities of Khartoum, which later became known as the December 2018 revolution that overthrew former President Omar, left Al-Bashir on April 11, 2019, taking the youth as fuel, and the youth came out chanting three. the slogans of the early days (We are the riding generation, the head of what we rule is the head of a dancer), the slogan (I mean, let's step on it, let's step on it, we are not afraid) and the slogan (The bullet does not block, it is silent.) The slogans began to grow every day with the escalation of the revolutionary agitation, which reached its peak on April 6, 2019, when the revolutionaries entered the sit-in square of the Command Square, until their slogan, accompanied by the icon of the Semper revolution, reached the stage of (Tea is coming and a kandana, we will eat it for you). Among the slogans chanted were: In the sit-in, when the youth. wore around their necks, asking God for death, and their slogan was (Oh my God, death, death in Ramadan, with Dushka too). All these slogans were chanted by the youth in the sit-in square and by the public. the roads after they were closed with locks, electric poles, tree trunks and other calamities of the time. At that time, the body of Sudan did not recover until then, and the December revolution turned into the revolution of “sambar” and “sambar.” is a cowherd*.

*The generation at its head came out and was completely and completely exploited by the parties of the Forces of Freedom and Change, who divided the cake of power and left aside the issues of the youth who contributed to lighting the fuse of the Semper Revolution, and the conflict turned into a struggle for positions and seats since the presence of Hamdok, where Maryam Al-Sadiq and Khaled sat in the presidency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ibrahim Al. -Sheikh and Madani Gradel were in charge of the Ministry of Commerce, and the rest of the unemployed were distributed to the Empowerment Suppression Committee. As for the youth of the generation riding on its head, they were used in the worst and most horrible ways. , and they were treated like a donkey tied in front of the negotiation rooms, and they are content to give them (al-loq) This is how the dreams and aspirations of the generation riding on its head were stolen.

*The generation riding on the head that repeated and chanted the slogan (A bullet does not clump together like the silence of a dead man). This generation riding on the head is at the head of the knowledge of certainty and saw with their own eyes that the bullet kills truth and justice. and that the bullet destroys homes, hospitals and schools. The bullet transforms security into fear and panic and creates displacement and shelters and the bullet has become. Tickets to heaven with the signs of the zodiac are issued directly, and the generation riding on the head knew it. (riding the pipe) of the Freedom and Change parties who fled out of the country and turned away and farted since the first shot in the war in Sudan, and they let the generation riding on the head of the Kandakat be raped, and their lips were raped unable to face the bullet and unable to protect them. The Kandakat suffered rape and became mere numbers in the displacement registers in shelters, and some of them were refugees in neighboring countries, wandering after burning their country and losing the blessing of security and safety through what their hands had earned*.

*The generation of riders asked God for death in Ramadan and in Dushka as well, so God answered their prayers, so the exercise of death began in the sit-in square on the night of 29/06/2019 when the process of dispersing the sit-in took place. completed and the series of deaths in Dushka ended on 15/04/2023, corresponding to the 24th of Ramadan in the Khartoum war, where the capital, Khartoum, was burned, and (Ard), the riding generation, the leader of the lip, were running against the kandakat, the rasat and the sanat. They could not lift their pants that were sticking out of their buttocks, and they took refuge in their sisters, and most of them fled because of those who raised the slogan. of the riding generation, the leader, knew for sure that they wanted a generation (mutanais, mawlaq and jabbuk), a generation that could not protect itself and its honor. Because they want a generation that will be in charge, a generation that will be destroyed and not built, a generation that will be used for political purposes, a generation that will be blinded by opium and ice crystals, which it will use in the worst possible way.

Half a fork

*The generation of horsemen contributed, consciously or unconsciously, to the creation of shameless creatures who brought Sudan to its lowest point and burned what was left of it with the fire of war, then fled, and none of them were killed in that war.

A quarter of a fork

*The question remains: what is expected of the next generation, the generation that is rolling on its head*.

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