On your birthday, what should I write? ✍️Hedjazia Muhammad Saeed

On your birthday, what should I write and what should I say?

If I write, I will not be able to exercise your rights, and if I say it, I will not find the words and expressions that suit your high status.

I will try to summarize what I feel towards these knights, men and heroes of the Sudanese armed forces.

Men who created a long and glorious history a hundred years ago, a history that carries within it pride, dignity, greatness, firmness, courage, fundamental values ​​and noble national goals.

Men who sacrificed their lives for this country and its people

They fought to regain their rights and dignity in the face of brutal aggression that, even today, aims to humiliate this proud and hard-working people and plunder their wealth.

But far from it, here are men who do not fear death, do not accept injustice and defeat and do not bow their heads before tyrants.

On the contrary, they proudly turn their noses up at any usurper of the rights of others.

Men of strength and courage, of whom history has borne witness, and here they celebrate those exploits which have been taught to the world.

We are proud of your actions and celebrate our Sudanese Armed Forces as they wage this war, which has proven to all that they have a loyal national army.

We congratulate you on your seventieth birthday, which comes as our country faces this dangerous historical turning point.

But the military is waiting for them

Teach the enemies, the mercenaries and the mercenaries lessons of wisdom, insight and sincerity of positions that reveal the infiltrators who sold their conscience, morals and values ​​for a handful of ephemeral money, the weak souls who offered their homeland for a price. platter of gold to the enemies.

Therefore, we will constitute an impenetrable barrier for all those who hide and betray the security, stability and safety of the country.

I salute you as you set the most wonderful examples of courage and sacrifice and face such wars despite the capabilities that everyone knows.

Our condolences extend to the injured, the wounded and the missing

A great tribute to the honorable people who gave their lives in sacrifice for the homeland

Martyrs of dignity, we will not forget your sacrifices and we will always remember you

Walk and God's eyes accumulate

And your people before you and behind you

Support and assistance to the valiant Sudanese Armed Forces

The army tied us up with him, there was no food or drink. Joanna's love was angered.

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