America's war against Sudan.. Whoever thinks that America has a human face and cares about the condition of the Sudanese people is wrong – Witness – ✍️ Ahmed Al-Bathani

Any other headline about what is happening in Sudan than the above is a distortion of the truth. America is the sworn enemy of the Sudanese people and not only their governments, and for a long time the stability of Sudan has angered America and killed its dreams. to control its resources. Therefore, it seeks in various ways to make Sudan unstable because in the stability of the renaissance there are many powerful and influential tools at the global level and a competitor for itself in its war against Sudan. and many throughout history, reaching today what they are in terms of armed targeting in which America uses mercenaries and missing persons from Sudan. The reality of events beats America, and Geneva is nothing but the recycling and elimination of a series of tools in which America uses. his war against Sudan… The smart results of Jeddah, which the Sudanese government adheres to, are what embarrassed America, broke its neck and generated pressure from the US Congress, which expects a decision within the deadline it set. The US envoy is working to create a breakthrough and transform the Jeddah program into a situation that removes the militia and its supporters from the circle of shameful, criminal and ugly exit. This clearly explains the reasons for America's eagerness to create Geneva. Geneva is the culprit and the recycling of America's henchmen and its agents. And the Sudanese government did well by adhering to the results of Jeddah, which are sure to remove America from the Sudanese scene before eliminating them. .the horse that terrifies America. Demand that the US Congress adopt a clear decision regarding the militias within the deadline it set. The Sudanese army and people said no to Geneva. What followed was a mobilization, an alignment and a diplomatic movement. which will be on the lookout for any exit from the single party of Geneva that will be transmitted to the United Nations. Neither denunciations nor denunciations will suffice us, as much as America's exasperating and irritating diplomatic approach towards the production of clear companies with a parallel force. (Russia, China and others) and to put a stop to America that wants to colonize Sudan and plunder its resources using its handicapped children is wrong. Whoever thinks that America has a human face that cares about the condition of the people is wrong. and the looting, murders and rapes to which it is exposed… America laughs at those in Sudan who carry its black papers…


Where is America's humanity in relation to what is happening in Gaza? Doesn't Azza deserve America to give her another Geneva?

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