A message to the participants of the conference in Geneva – The Geneva Conference and its results do not represent Sudan, the Ahrar, the Free and the Sudanese ✍️ Dr. Al-Nazir Ibrahim Abu Sil

✍️ Let all free peoples of the world know that the free men and women of Sudan are worthy of Sudanese, regional and international peace, security and stability.

✍️ Anyone who wants to engage in a solution to the Sudanese crisis must respect the sovereignty of Sudan and the decisions and rights of the great Sudanese people.

✍️Anyone who wants to contribute to resolving the Sudanese crisis must address the Sudanese government, which determines who represents it and the civilians who participate alongside it.

✍️ Any conference that does not include a representative of the legitimate government of Sudan is not of concern to Sudan, its government, its people and its institutions.

✍️All the participants who arrived in Geneva to attend the conference and claim that they represent the Sudanese people and civilians have nothing to do with Sudan and its honorable and honourable people.

✍️ The legitimate Sudanese government and its people are the ones concerned by the crisis and they are the ones who decide who will be the mediator and monitor.

✍️ Any observer whose hand is extended to help the bastards of the Dagalo militia mercenaries and their terrorist collaborators has no place in any conference that contributes to resolving the crisis in Sudan and the Sudanese.

✍️ Any decision taken by any party in the world unless Sudan and its people are involved will be rejected by those who approved it.

🛑🇸🇩🇸🇩 God is great, and glory to Sudan, its free people, its institutions and its valiant Sudanese armed forces.

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