Shendi Locality Executive Director addresses a teacher training workshop on alternative education and highlights the locality's interest in industrial and vocational education.

The Executive Director of Shindi Locality, Mr. Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, spoke at the teacher training workshop on alternative education, organized by Al-Atash Organization for Peace and Development in cooperation with the State Ministry of Education and with funding from UNICEF, in the presence of the representative of the Minister of Education, the principal of the locality's primary school and several state and locality educational departments.

The Executive Director stressed the importance of education as the basis for the revival and development of societies, emphasizing the locality's readiness to train and qualify teachers, thanking teachers and organizations, both men and women, for their great role that contributed to the stability of the country. the school year and the locality's competition for first place at the Nile State level, Mr. Khaled stressed the exploitation of all the capacities of the locality to support all departments of education, considering that education is a top priority for the local government, Khaled stressed. He highlighted the tendency of his local to pay attention to technical and industrial education. He stressed the importance of strategic planning for the educational process and announced that 50 literacy students were ready to sit for the secondary certificate exams, and a number of literacy students excelled in the primary certificate.

The representative of the Nile State Ministry of Education confirmed the ministry's readiness and willingness to support teacher training courses, expressing thanks and appreciation to all organizations supporting the education sector.

The Nile State Director of Adult Education has confirmed his administration's commitment to training teachers and enrolling children as young as 8 in literacy classes.

The Director of Basic Education, Dr. Muhammad Musa, welcomed the interest of the Ministry of Education and the absorption of out-of-school children, appreciating the great role of the locality and its interest in education and creating the school environment.

The Director of Adult Education praised the great support of Al-Atash Peace and Development Organization and UNICEF for their interest in adult education.

While the director of the organization affirmed his commitment to continue training and qualifying teachers and supporting the service sectors

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