Al-Houri: An Eternal Memory in Our Hearts and a Pain Buried Deep Within Us – Whispering the Letters – ✍️ Dr. Al-Baqir Abdul Qayyum Ali

Praise be to Allah, Who said: (And give good news to those who are patient and when a calamity befalls them, they say: “Verily to Allah we belong, and to Him we shall return.” These are blessings upon them from their Lord and Their mercy, and they are the guided.)

In a moment of deepest sadness, the mourner announced to us the news of the death of Professor Mahmoud Sir Al-Khattam Al-Houri, announcing the time of his separation, which had come unexpectedly. burned within us, burned in the folds of the heart, and the eyes exchanged it by shedding their tears to extinguish the heat of this bitter separation, and the tremors continued on us before we emerged from the shock of war, from the shock of war. floods overtook us, and then the news of Al-Houri came to the top of all the scenes of sadness.

When a loved one is lost, words fail and become hollow. They cannot describe the extent of pain and sadness that linger in hearts, but no matter the difficulties, the memory of Al-Houri will remain alive in our hearts.

We lost one of our country's flags, so the sun and moon have set. He was a symbol of sincerity, dedication and giving. He had a home and a place in the highest hearts. the most generous, a lover of life, and a constant smile that will always remain with us, and his actions and words will remain an inspiration to us. His passing has left a deep void in our lives. but his legacy of love and honesty will always accompany us.

This man was unique in the love people had for him, as he gave so much of himself without expecting anything in return, and he left a profound impact on the lives of all who knew him. People knew him for his warm smiles and generous hands. His features embodied the meaning of true humanity in its finest form, so his loss was a gap. He is great in everyone's heart, but his legacy of selflessness and generosity will live on in us.

He was a teacher in every sense of the word, not only in his knowledge, but also in his behavior and morals. He gave us life lessons by presenting them to our children in class. He taught us that giving is not just an act, but rather the essence of the soul. He enriched our lives with his knowledge. He was a model of patience and dedication. Despite his loss, his teachings and inspiration will remain with us and we will continue to adhere to the values ​​that he instilled in us. He was also a living example of patience to his colleagues. He is always patient and understanding, and does his best to provide support and assistance without hesitation… The meaning of boredom. or apathy in his relationships with those around him, and his patience was an inspiration to us all, and we will always remember his patience and the good treatment he gave his brothers, and we will try to follow in his footsteps in his relationships with everyone. .

Farewell, my brother Al-Houri. My speech has become difficult for me and I am horrified by the gravity of my afflictions. It is right for me to weep for a brother who was like the light of an eye among my companions. to the gardens of bliss, my dear brother and faithful friend. The departure of this man, my brothers, has left a void in our hearts Great, but we find our comfort in his good memory and his good deeds. in his vast gardens, and to make his grave a garden of paradise, and to give us patience and comfort in his departure. We belong to God and it is to Him that we will return, and there is no power nor strength except with God Almighty.

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