Negotiation: The art of possibility with those we hate, and the desire for perfection with those we love) (6) ✍️ Ali Al-Fateh Al-Zubair

*The solution begins when we understand the problem*…

Translated according to our vision by Professor Taha Youssef Hassan of Geneva. Switzerland This text, considered a historical document:

The Pharaohs of Sudan ruled Egypt as far as the land of Palestine

On Thursday, June 30, 2005, the first Swiss Romande channel, TSR, presented a program on the Nubian civilization in Sudan and on the Nubian kings, the black pharaohs, who reigned over Egypt for several centuries. This precious historical episode was presented through the most well-known television programs on the media scene, the program:

Present Time) said the presenter of the show Eric Bumad

The truth that people, and perhaps the inhabitants of the Nile Valley themselves, do not know is that the Nubian kings of northern Sudan ruled the Egyptians for several centuries and that the Nubian civilization was the first civilization to appear on the surface of the Earth. and the oldest civilization ever seen in history. In the city of Kerma, the capital of the Nile and the capital of the first kingdom in the world, the Swiss archaeologist known on the European continent, Charlie Bonnet, confirmed this fact before the eyes of the Swiss television camera, which transmitted a large part of the remains of the Sudanese civilization. Charlie Bonnet, who spoke from the city of Kerma, seemed proud and proud of this civilization of which he became an integral part, since he stayed in Sudan for forty years. Charlie Bonnet's journey began when he arrived in Egypt after studying archaeology in Switzerland. but through his research in Egypt, he discovered that there was a missing link in the history of the Pharaonic civilization, and that an important stage of this civilization was missing, he went to northern Sudan and began to research the origin of the Pharaonic civilization. civilization that filled the world, and after many years of patience and continuous work, Charlie Bonnet arrived at the missing truth, namely that the origin of the Pharaonic civilization is in Sudan and that its pharaohs The Sudanese are those who ruled Egypt to the land of Palestine. Charlie Bonnet spoke about this civilization

He pointed out that the Pharaonic civilization in Egypt came after the Nubian civilization in Sudan and that it was the Nubian kings (the black pharaohs) who spread this civilization through their domination of Egypt, which spread to Palestine and lasted for 2,500 years.

This short translation of a television interview spread and filled the world, and we did not celebrate it at the level of official agencies as it was reported by the international media and celebrated by the world around us, and we did not pay attention to it. None of our thinkers or scholars recommended that the results of this research be added to our educational programs,,, due to our ignorance and the ignorance of those responsible for the issue,, of the extent of the influence of historical heritage. , on the reality of peoples, (building man and rebuilding the earth).

The visionary of Europe, East Asian countries and Egypt draws inspiration from the extent of cultural and historical influence of visual media due to the tourist attraction feature and subsequent positive effects that appear in the results of national products of the economies of the countries, and achieves the strategic goals in terms of the status of these countries and the volume of their voice in the forums.

Certainly, history alone is not enough to formulate the desired reality of the nation, but it is possible to crystallize ideas, creativities and projects that will find the respect and appreciation of all peoples and thus will be a destination for them, as we deserve…

We conclude today's article with an impeccable poem by an authentic Arab poet, following the prince of poets, Ahmed Shawqi,

Speaking about the reality of the situation and addressing the minds and consciences of the Arab peoples by mobilizing the determination to interact with what Sudan and its people are experiencing.


Poetry | Abbas Al-Sahbi

Enough of the sorrows of Arabism

The devastation Sudan is suffering

The land of palm trees and the land of growth

Its coast is proud of the “Nileen”


The cradle of civilization is the glory of dignity

..His moral, smell is his title.

And her brown children have white hearts.

Their chivalry… where are his peers?!

So what happened to cause the destruction to spread?

And bad temptations have their helpers?!


Peace be upon you, land of beauty

May his mercy protect you on earth

The curse of “beauty magic” has fallen upon you.

Or was it the hatred shown by his brother-in-law?!

The mother of greed to get rich

For those who do not like their status being exalted


For the sake of a people who wanted to live

Wars rage and their fires rage

I believe in freedom and liberty

People and their children are dying?!

And what are armies raised for?

And tournaments come with their knights?!

Shouldn't soldiers protect the people?

And his banner will be raised to glory.

If the military does not protect the people it has built

We see the earth moving its weight!


May God protect our Sudan from destruction

And his master was guided by guidance.

And saved our loved ones from disasters.

..It's too precious to hide its tears.

Is your sadness not enough, O Arabs of our time?

We have lost Jerusalem and its submission?!

Hasn't the sadness of Arabism even ceased?

Added to the tears is his darkness?!


To be continued if there is any remaining life, God willing

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